Barabbas Quotes in Barabbas (1961)


Barabbas Quotes:

  • [after being released from jail, Barabbas enters a tavern]

    Barabbas: Here's a fine sight. Six weeks and nobody's moved!

  • Peter: [Arrested for arson, Barabbas has been brought to the dungeons housing the Christians falsely accused of the act] This burning city is no work of ours. This isn't how the new kingdom is going to be made. You were wrong.

    Barabbas: Who are you to tell me I'm wrong?

    Peter: Many years ago, we spoke together. Do you remember?

    Barabbas: No.

    Peter: You asked me why I was making a net so far from the sea.

    Barabbas: Jerusalem. The street of the potters.

    Peter: You were as mistaken then as you are again now.

    Female Christian: We didn't set fire to the city.

    Male Christian: You've done the work of the wild beasts of the emperor.

    Female Christian: Are you a lunatic?

    Male Christian: It was his fire, you fool. Not God's.

    Barabbas: [the realization of his error sinks in] Why can't God make himself plain? What's become of all the fine hopes, the trumpets, the angels, all the promises? Every time I've seen it end up in the same way, with torments and dead bodies, with no good come of it. Huh? All for nothing.

    Peter: Do you think they persecute us to destroy nothing? Or, for that matter, do you think that what has battered on your soul for twenty years has been nothing? It wasn't for nothing that Christ died. Mankind isn't nothing. In His eyes, each individual man is the whole world. He loves each man as though there were no other.

    Barabbas: I was the opposite of everything he taught, wasn't I? Why did He let Himself be killed instead of me?

    Peter: Because being farthest from Him, you were the nearest.

    Barabbas: I'm no nearer than I was before.

    Peter: Nor any farther away. The truth of the matter is, He's never moved from your side. I can tell you this: there has been a wrestling in your spirit back and forth in your life which, in itself, is knowledge of God. By the conflict you have known Him. I can tell you as well that so it will be with the coming of the kingdom. A wrestling back and forth and a laboring of the world spirit, like a woman in childbirth. We are only the beginning. We won't see the time when the earth is full of the kingdom. And yet, even now, even here, the hour at the end of life, the kingdom is within us. There's nothing more to fear. Upon us, the years will be but many years, many martyrdoms. The ground of men is very stubborn to mature. But men will look back to us in our day, and will wonder, and remember our hope. It is the end of the day. We shall trust ourselves to a little pain, and sleep, saying to world, "Godspeed."

  • Barabbas: Darkness... I give myself up... into your keeping. It is... Barabbas.

  • Pontius Pilate: It seemed to me at the time, Barabbas, when you were given your liberty before, it wasn't a fortunate exchange. They were calling for death and disorder when they called your name. This is what I thought and this is what has occurred. They put the scourge back into the fist. By that I mean you and your life. And many men have suffered and died in consequence.

    Barabbas: [referring to Christ] The other man, too. They're dying because of that.

    Pontius Pilate: This is a local matter, which I hope will soon be adjusted. The shock and fear of an unreasoning fanaticism will pass. But the appetite to destroy which, alas, the human being shares with the wild beast, is always with us. And it has rigorously to be disciplined in the name of civilization, and according to the law.

    Barabbas: That's what you say. But I tell you, whichever side of the law we're on, we're the same men. You and your kind, and me and my kind. How else have you lived except my way? What we haven't got, we go out and take!

    [Two guards grab him and pin him down]

    Pontius Pilate: Let him speak!

    Barabbas: [the guards unhand him, and he continues] Well, how else have you lived except my way? Whoever's against us or gets in our way, we get rid of. My knife may have bitten a few throats, but what about your weapons? They've spit at thousands upon thousands. If I've taken a passing woman to myself, your armies have looted and raped across continents - and have been called the glory of the earth for doing it! You were born according to the law and raised according to the law. I was born by a girl thrown out of a brothel, who gave birth and cursed me before she died. But I tell you, we belong to the same herd.

    Pontius Pilate: Unfortunately for you, Barabbas, the law is indispensable. The law is the pass and permit to life in this world. You were without it. However, the law here tells me that a man who has been released by the will of the people at a holy festival cannot thereafter be given a capital punishment.

    Barabbas: [long pause, looking shocked] Huh? Y-you can't kill me?

    Pontius Pilate: Easier on you if we could. I sentence you to transportation for life, whatever that's worth, to the sulfur mines on the island of Sicily.

    Barabbas: [with a stunned look] I... I can't... be killed. He meant me to live... No killing for Barabbas. No death for Barabbas. He died in my place!

  • Barabbas: What can one man do against the might of Caesar?

    Judas Iscariot: What do they fear, hmm? What do Kings and Emperors fear? They fear the people. When they rise like one man, when they follow one man!

  • Barabbas: We all want the same thing. We believe in the same God! We fight *together* because we believe!

    Judas Iscariot: *I* believe!

    Barabbas: In what Judas?


    Barabbas: Should we throw in our lot for some unknown rabbi from Nazareth?

    Judas Iscariot: They say he has... he has... powers from God.

    Barabbas: Powers? What powers can one man have

    [draws sword]

    Barabbas: against the *might* of Caesar?

    Judas Iscariot: What do they fear?

    [grasps Barabbas' shoulders]

    Judas Iscariot: What do kings and emperors fear? They fear the people! When they rise up for one man, when they follow *one* man!

    [leaves to listen to Jesus]

    Barabbas: Dream of your messiah Judas, dream.

    Joram: [chuckles] Dream of your house with hot baths!

  • Barabbas: We'll strike the Romans first and let that be God's sign to the people. He will bless our land with freedom -

    [sees Judas listening to Jesus preach]

    Barabbas: NO!

    Judas Iscariot: [motioning to Jesus] The people love him!

  • Lucius: Pilate offered that mob a choice.

    Barabbas: [incredulous] And they chose me?

    Lucius: Your followers yelled the loudest! Go; look at Him who is dying for you!

  • Barabbas: We need more fighters and fewer prophets.

  • Barabbas: Peace? There will be no peace in Jerusalem, unless it is won by the sword!

  • Barabbas: Judas dreams. And all dreamers are fools.

  • Barabbas: Sir, this "Jesus" was not a member of your family. Why are you burying him in your family tomb?

    Joseph of Arimethea: Because, gentlemen... I do not think he will need it for long.

  • Barabbas: He's talking about them!

    Joseph of Arimethea: Is he talking about us?

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Characters on Barabbas (1961)