Baby Doll Quotes in Sucker Punch (2011)


Baby Doll Quotes:

  • Sweet Pea: This can't be. We did everything right.

    Baby Doll: A map, a fire, a knife, a key, one thing more, one thing more. It's me.

    Sweet Pea: What?

    Baby Doll: [a breathy 'Oh'] Oh, it's me, of course it's me. It's the only way this ever could have ended.

    Sweet Pea: What do you mean?

    Baby Doll: I'm saying you go home, go to your family. You tell your mom what Rocket said, make her happy. Go out and live a normal life. Love, be free, you have to live for all of us now.

    Sweet Pea: Baby, no, you can't...

    Baby Doll: Yes, Sweet Pea, you're the strongest. You're the only one of us who ever had a chance out there. You're going home and leaving, that's how we win. It's okay, it's better this way. Now listen, I'm gonna walk out there and when they come after me, you go, okay?

    Sweet Pea: There's gotta be another way.

    Baby Doll: No, this is right. This was never my story, it's yours. Now don't screw it up, okay?

  • Rocket: Have you ever wanted to just take something back? You know, something you said, something you did?

    Baby Doll: All the time.

  • Blue Jones: Did you lose your fight, huh?

    Baby Doll: No, I just found it.

  • Baby Doll: [to Blue after stabbing him] You'll never have me... ever.

  • Baby Doll: Sometimes, big shot, you don't seem to give me credit for very much intelligence at all. I've been to school in my life - and I'm a magazine reader!

  • Archie Lee Meighan: Today is the fifth day of November. Tomorrow is the sixth day of November, and the day after that is November seventh. And you know what day that is, don't you? November seventh is your 20th birthday.

    Baby Doll: Ain't that sweet of you to remember. Where's my birthday present?

    Archie Lee Meighan: Oh, you'll get your birthday present, providin' you haven't forgotten the agreement between us, which comes due on that day.

    Baby Doll: Oh, the agreement?

    Archie Lee Meighan: Yeah, the agreement, that you swore on a Bible to keep your side of... Have I ever laid hands on you since we've been married?

    Baby Doll: Yeah, as often as possible.

  • Baby Doll: I don't want to be in the same room with a man that would make me live in a house with no furniture! My daddy would turn over in his grave if he knew, he would just turn over in his grave.

    Archie Lee Meighan: If your daddy turned in his grave as often as you say he'd turn in his grave, that old man would plow up the graveyard.

  • Baby Doll: Excuse me, Mr. Vacarro, but I wouldn't dream of eatin' a nut that a man had cracked in his mouth.

    Silva Vacarro: You've got many refinements.

    Baby Doll: Thank you.

  • Silva Vacarro: So, the wedding was postponed?

    Baby Doll: Oh, no, not the wedding. We had the wedding. My daddy gave me away.

    Silva Vacarro: But you said Archie Lee waited.

    Baby Doll: Yeah, after the wedding he waited.

    Silva Vacarro: For what?

    Baby Doll: For me to be ready for marriage.

    Silva Vacarro: How long did he have to wait?

    Baby Doll: Oh, he's still waiting.

  • Baby Doll: He went off and left me without a Coke in the house!

  • Baby Doll: Well, let's go in now. We got nothing to do but wait for tomorrow and see if we're remembered or forgotten.

  • Silva Vacarro: I find you different this evening in some way.

    Baby Doll: Never mind that.

    Silva Vacarro: Grown up suddenly.

    Baby Doll: I feel cool and rested for the first time in my life.

  • Baby Doll: [Silva caresses her neck] Don't touch me please, I don't like to be touched.

    Silva Vacarro: Then why do you smile?

    Baby Doll: Because you make me feel kind of hysterical Mr. Vacarro.

    Silva Vacarro: [knowing smile] I do?

    Baby Doll: [starts to get up] I think I'll go make us some lemonade.

    [he holds her back]

    Baby Doll: What did you do that for?

    Silva Vacarro: I don't want to be deprived of the pleasure of your company. Not yet.

    Baby Doll: Mr. Vacarro you certainly are getting familiar.

    Silva Vacarro: Don't you have any fun loving spirit about you?

    Baby Doll: Yeah, but this isn't fun.

    [laughs breathlessly and smiles]

    Silva Vacarro: Then why do you giggle?

  • Baby Doll: [after being told to make him comfortable] Ain't nobody comfortable in that house. Lucky if you can find a chair to sit down on. You want coffee?

    Silva Vacarro: No, just a nice cool drink of water.

    Baby Doll: Oh, well the house water runs warm. But if you've got the energy to run that old pump over there you can get yourself a nice cool drink from that there cistern.

    Silva Vacarro: I've got energy to burn.

  • Baby Doll: I told him I'd be ready on my 20th birthday.

    Silva Vacarro: But that's tomorrow. And will you be ready?

    Baby Doll: Well, that all depends.

    Silva Vacarro: What on?

    Baby Doll: Whether or not the furniture comes back.

    [he looks sideways at her]

    Baby Doll: I guess.

    Silva Vacarro: Mrs. Meighan your husband sweats more than any man I know and now I can understand why.

  • Baby Doll: Small dogs have a loud bark.

    Archie Lee Meighan: No one is going to whistle at any woman of mine.

    Baby Doll: You take an awful lot for granted when you say mine. I came to you today for protection. What did I get? Slapped, sent home. Now, I'm telling you the agreement between us is over.

  • Baby Doll: I feel so weak. Oh, my head is buzzy.

    Silva Vacarro: Fuzzy?

    Baby Doll: Hmm. Fuzzy and buzzy. My head is swingin' round. Must have been that swingin' that done it.

  • Baby Doll: Excuse me, Mr. Vacarro, but I wouldn't dream of eatin' a nut that a man had cracked in his mouth.

    Baby Doll: You've got many refinements.

  • [repeated lines]

    Baby Doll: [to Archie] Big shot!

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