Wayne Chirisa quotes:

  • The hopeful spirit of a positive mindset shines like the moonlight in darkness when all other stars have ceased to shine.

  • A genuine smile comes from the heart, but a healthy smile needs good dental care.

  • Strengthen the weak, for mother nature provides ways to strengthen you; and that's the beauty of life we need one another.

  • Strengthen the weak, for mother nature provides ways to strengthen you; and that's beauty of life we need one another.

  • Educate your consciounse not be ignorant, for out of ignorance comes misery in it's greatest form.

  • A woman is not an object of convinience; but a creation of Gods purpose.

  • Revenge is but a temporary gratification, but that which stays within you longer is the guilt and sin after revenging making you not much of a better person.

  • A bright smile is a powerful natural force, nature it for its worth.

  • If humanity as a whole was to embrace and practice love; mankind would make history of transforming a bleak world overnight, for out of love we do the right things that are not meant to harm but to build.

  • Wars of the foolish are destructive, wars of the wise bring transformation.

  • Leadership is preceeded by a vision for all; a true leader will lead the nation into an unforseen desired dimensional transformation that even the dead will clap their hands.

  • Your external appearance can be great, but your stunning beauty beams from within.

  • Exotic dancers, your instant key to a blissful vacation of the moment.

  • To fear is to lack courage; and to lack courage is to forsake your true abilities.By: Wayne Chirisa

  • Meditate on the things you unconsciously do, that's where the little missing puzzles of the real you can be found; everything else you did and haven't done that you planned has some form of artificial altered character of who you are.

  • Excellence does not need you to be perfect, but to be dedicated to what you commit yourself to.

  • Personal growth does not require a pre-qualification from anyone; pre-qualify yourself towards your potential; your mind and faith will start propelling your focus in that direction.

  • That which is dark to one's eye, is relative to the level of purity within.

  • No one is born poor, but we are all born as ordinary humans; it is the poor mindset that makes poor choices that qualifies one as poor in spirit and in the mundane.

  • That which is physical wears out and returns to mother nature; but the soul we sacrifice in the process of taking from mother nature we cannot get back.

  • A man that loves and cherishes his woman and his family is a man of honor.

  • Life is a spiritual entitlement, not a human mundated privilege.

  • To overcome in the physical, you must first conquer in the spirit.

  • If one does well in life compliment; but do not bow down to their success.

  • Do not work hard for the love of money; but work hard to enrich the life you love.

  • To fear is to lack courage; and to lack courage is to forsake your true abilities.

  • To seek acceptance is to seek pity, but to give acceptance and love is to gain the hearts of many.

  • Life as a whole is simple, the complexities within it have to do with the motive of the human being.

  • Christmas is a joyous holiday season to celebrate get togethers; but take a moment to celebrate the true meaning that brought about the iconic joyous season.

  • There is more hope for those who are thankful for simple the life they live, than for those in misery over wealth.

  • To vacation beside the beautiful waters of the beach and the beauty that surrounds it, is to discover tranquility from within.

  • The world has endless beauty yet to be discovered; don't short change yourself by not vacationing to the things money can't afford to buy.

  • Travelling is not just an activity, it's the art of broadening your vision through the priceless experience.

  • An achievement award is not the end goal; but rather a symbolic confirmation of your potential future success.

  • Africa! the blessed land of pure wealth, the sons of the soil tremble over it as they beat the resounding drum; women dancing to the unifying joy of the music in the gold dust of dawn...beloved Africa your concealed power of hope shines.

  • There is more hope for those who are thankful for the simple ife they live, than for those in misery over wealth.

  • You have the ultimate power to overcome poverty; poverty does not have the right to dictate how you should struggle.

  • If you have not given up as yet, failure is not a relevant social status in your life.

  • Say no more, if your mind has conceived what you see as insanely gorgeous; what you might utter in words after maybe an understatement.

  • Doing good for others should not be a pre-calculated motive driven by an agenda for future gains; it should be a natural response out of the basic need at hand.

  • The prize won is only a token; the absolute prize is the positive change your work has made in the communities and across borders.

  • Earning trust is not about proving a point; if you govern your self-integrity and lifestyle enough to trust yourself, it becomes self evident enough to invite those who will volunteer to entrust you with what's valuable to their hearts.
