Thomas Daniel Nehrer quotes:

  • That means 19 or 20 of the books of the NT (New Testament) are anonymous. Many are blatantly pseudepigraphic (forgeries, see next section), with famous names applied to artificially promote veracity.

  • Various visionaries through time came to see with some degree of clarity that Oneness, that intrinsic connection between Self and experienced Reality.

  • Vocal cords are not rental units. No Hebrew prophet, nor Mohammed, nor any founder of any cult or religion ever spoke the words of anybody but themselves.

  • Simply put, the relative age of a philosophical perspective has nothing to do with its veracity. It is pure illusion to imagine that just because a view of life was held and put to words long ago, that it is more valid.

  • The only creative force capable of causally revising your experienced reality is your power to change your Self.

  • New Testament gospels are traditionally accorded a cultural sanctity and lofty regard completely out of line with their literary worth.

  • Above, in discussing the perceptive notions of Jesus, remarkable concepts of Plato or the highly introspective lessons of Gautama and Lao Tzu, it took considerable discussion to explore the meaning and relate it to How Life Works. Islam presents no such deep pool of thought to pierce.

  • Indeed, of the major religions, Islam offers no discernible sliver of valid notion for How Life Works.

  • The pathway to seeing life clearly is not one of absorbing another better explanation, but rather of getting rid of old beliefs and invalid paradigms.

  • Regardless of what you believe in or conceive of as the functionality of Reality, the Oneness of you with all you experience in your life is an absolute

  • You encounter, at its core, a subjective Reality, one based on meaning and value reflective of your own Self, not an objective universe, cold, particle-based and indifferent as science projects.

  • Clouding the exact evolution of El and Yahweh as concepts (and any other aspect of belief, for neither El nor Yahweh ever existed as anything except mind images of fervent believers) is the invariable propensity of associated religions to revise their history along the way according to subsequently popular interests.

  • The fact is: Jesus wrote not a solitary word that survives. Equally astounding is historical silence: not a single historical account refers to him during his lifetime from any source whatsoever, Roman or Jewish, official or personal.

  • It must be obvious that the Reality we all encounter only works one way, and it functions that way regardless of what the experiencer believes.

  • Most people, solidly frozen into long-held, common notions, are unable to grasp clearer views.

  • Whatever beliefs and definitions you hold will seem to be true.

  • Beliefs and definitions never clarify how Reality works -- they only distort perception of it.

  • Reality, in its essence, consists not of particles interacting pointlessly in anindependent physical plane, but rather of values, psychological elements ofmind, made real.

  • So life does flow, but not from left to right on a time scale, rather frominside out.

  • So, am I some sort of Savior? Not hardly. Save yourself the worry about needing to be saved from anything.

  • Because your life is a reflection of your inner Self, causality comes exclusively in changing your own nature, not trying to change the external world out there by manipulating it.

  • Even though this deity (the Christian God with a capital "G") has evolved through its 2000 years, it somehow maintains in its current version all old characteristics, whether conflicting or consistent: readiness to punish but ability to heal, vindictiveness yet forgiveness, utter cruelty to outside nonbelievers but looking for converts, etc.

  • The real Journey is a personal venture into your own mind content. Nobody, not the greatest mystic, the most vaunted guru, the most hailed psychologist, though they might shuttle you along the trail for a ways, will get you there. Only you yourself can do that.

  • The only difference between holding one god as exclusive or supreme and believing in many gods specialized in function is the number.

  • In terms of idols which represented various gods: worshipping an idol or star cluster is no different than worshipping a concept.

  • While scholarly research provides extensive information, the real Jesus, the man who voiced various timeless insights on life, can only be revealed when life is understood better than the common mindset of our time allows.

  • If you picture other people as superior to yourself, you will realize thatmental image. Putting a preacher, a saint, a prophet, an expert or anybody up on a pedestal in your personal view, fundamentally accomplishes nothing but the effect of putting you in a pit.

  • You are the only real authority in your life, but you yield that status to so many externals by believing in them, by having been punished or forced into accepting them.

  • However, in regards to the theological aspects of each religion, tradition or philosophy, the same exacting standard must be set as measurement: does it clearly and accurately depict the functionality of Reality? That is, does the cosmology precisely describe how Reality works? If not, then the religion is invalid.

  • As it is, the vital question you should be asking is not what I am, but what you yourself are.

  • When, and only when, you clearly see the inner roots to an outer condition, can you change them and thus it.
