Stefan Emunds quotes:

  • The hardest thing on earth is to know the ways of men and still manage to be in good spirits.

  • God Father (the Creator) geometrizes, God Mother (Nature) fractalizes.

  • Christianity is a way of life - not a dogma!

  • Children are gentle and heed. Adults are tough and seize. Wise men and women have the strength and flexibility to do what's right.

  • Racism is a stubborn whitehead on the face of society.

  • Arguing is a waste of time, because our attitudes need a quantum leap, not our knowledge. Arguing is a sport at best and a bad attitude at worst.

  • Wild animals bite the hand that feeds them. Clever people consume the entire body.

  • Spirituality is conversation with God, everything else is just religious custom.

  • A vibrant body, a radiant mind, a loving heart, and an honorable life.

  • Mankind's glorious and people's happy ending is inevitable. No one will be left behind.

  • Worry has never solved a problem.

  • Have faith, let go, and gravitate towards.

  • I have never felt the need to worship someone or something, but I recognize the beauty of creation, the miraculosity of existence, and honor the genius behind the scene, who came up with all of this.

  • Pressure makes diamonds - or not.

  • True: fear is the beginning of wisdom, but love perfects it!

  • Experience God, don't raise a wall of dogmas between you and Him.

  • Follow both: the call of the mountain of enlightenment and the temptation of the valley of experience. No mountain without valley, no valley without mountain.

  • Lies can't grow. Once plucked they can only wither. But every truth, once planted, grows into a tall, noble tree.

  • The root of identity crises: we seem to know a lot about ourselves, but we can't tell who we are. Realize your self!

  • Like flowers we grow, bloom, and whither - each day and each life. In our next life we'll grow, bloom, and whither even more beautifully. But although we blossom more grandiose in each new life, all our lives are perfect in their own way.

  • We can have a friendly and intimate relationship with God.

  • If God is really my Father, I have rights, and He has responsibilities. I hereby claim my birthright to be protected, educated, and provided for!

  • The devil is the most stubborn verisimilitude on earth!

  • We -humans - are wizard who turn miracles into technology.

  • Life is abysmal hilarious if you have the eyes to see.
