Luke Temple quotes:

  • It's just like I get this identity crisis: my body doesn't want to write, my mind doesn't want to write. Nothing about me wants to write, but I force myself to sit there and try. Nothing happens.

  • I wasn't being critical of myself in the way I can normally be, and I was letting myself follow through with stuff. It was like a prolonged spontaneity.

  • I'm just online too much. I drink too much. A lot of bad things.

  • I'm still writing songs but leaving them a lot more open and not trying to control every nuance of it.

  • Obviously I attach myself so much to my songwriting. If I didn't attach myself to that being my sole attribute, then I would be fine with those.

  • The writing about what you know thing was a huge one. Not worrying so much about what people think. Just writing for myself and the band is enough.

  • I feel like I'm adapting to society. I went feral a little bit. I found that when I would get back to the city, if there was any second-guessing about stuff, it would happen.
