LaShaun Middlebrooks Collier quotes:

  • Liberate your future by releasing your past.

  • Share your story with healing hearers.

  • Let every sunrise be a reminder of your ability to ascend from the darkness by rising up and shining your light.

  • Hating' is displaced admiration; a by-product of low emotional intelligence. It originates from the hater's inability to affirm, in your life, the non-manifest desires of their own.

  • Blessed are those that transcend the mask, shift their shizz and choose to live Truth.

  • To deepen my connection with what is real, lasting + true; I close my eyes + see through the lens of my heart.

  • The genesis of exceptional living lives in the knowing that the boundary between your ideas and your acquisition of them can only be obscured by self imposed barriers. Possibility is a state of being. Be about your life's big ideas.

  • Hating' is displace admiration.

  • You could dismantle your destiny, dwelling in the chasm between knowing and doing.

  • Haters possess misplaced admiration; your life reflects unmanifest desires of their heart.

  • Evoke Truth, liberate Light.Evoke Light, liberate Truth.

  • Ascension or devolution requires an equal investment of choice.

  • Radical honesty with oneself is an exquisite risk; that yields the reward of claiming ownership of the power to amaze yourself.

  • The issues of life present us with invitations to grow; which are wild by their very nature. Wildly arresting or wildly liberating. These moments are inevitable and impossible to avoid; but unequivocally for our edification. Yes, it may be difficult. Difficult, yet doable. Decide to thrive. Trust and transform.

  • This is prophetic...The single most deterministic agent for predicting what comes next is predicated on what action you take now. So, make your move.

  • As we habitually engage our inner wisdom--in thought, word and deed-- the latent possibilities of living our highest wholeness awakens.

  • Spirit speaks the language of synchronicity.

  • Joy, feels like a shimmery and sacred, synchronous sunbeam; radiating Light and warmth to just the right heartspace at just the right time.

  • Vision expands the consciousness of possibility.

  • Holding yourself hostage to past mistakes is an act of self-hate.

  • I'm a present-day Yoda in stilettos.

  • What we focus on guides our experience; it shapes itself into our thoughts, embodies our feelings and our expands beliefs.Master your attention, so your can master your world.

  • What will you do with the Light encoded in your consciousness?

  • When we let ourselves shine, we eclipse the realms of ordinary. This light, this spiritual life-force, effortlessly radiates within us and to those around us, illuminating the potentiality of our soul's yearning--which is, in essence--the highest version of ourselves.

  • I now fear, less. I step into my power, peace + love. Because fear is the enemy of my soul.

  • I am Light. My work is not to do, but to be. I am lit from within, therefore, I shine!

  • All possibilities were once only imagined, but so are all limitations. Choose to imagine the former.

  • If it feels heavy, balance it with Light.

  • The destruction of your dreams is inevitable without vision. Vision expands the consciousness of possibility.

  • To silence the expression of your soul's code is to suffer.

  • Tell me, what will you do with your genius spark of consciousness?

  • I am a 21st Century Yoda in stilettos.

  • You have permission to release all loyalties to past mistakes.

  • You have permission to release your loyalty to past mistakes
