John Goodman quotes:

  • I flew into New York for the Raising Arizona audition, and we just started joking around.

  • It was a fight for a very long time. After the end of the first season, all that was done.

  • It was cool for a couple of weeks, but how much bad golf can you play?

  • I hated Woody Woodpecker and Scooby-Doo, but I was a cartoon freak.

  • As far as I know, the guys at Pixar are opposed to a Monsters, Inc. sequel.

  • Like, every couple of months you read, they rewrite, you come back in, they've animated more stuff - they usually videotape you while you're reading it - so they'll incorporate some gestures and some facial expressions into it.

  • TV is the best babysitter.

  • I'm really getting to appreciate traditional jazz now - the New Orleans stuff - a lot more than I did before.

  • People in Medicaid ought to have access to the same insurance as the rest of the population. If they are segregated, it will be a poor plan for poor people.

  • But I'm not as bad as Al Pacino - he doesn't even know what month it is half the time when he's working.

  • George Washington Bridge? You throw yourself off the Brooklyn Bridge, traditionally. George Washington Bridge, who does that?

  • This happens to be that the power of laughter and love would beat out the power of fear every time. You know, I hate to sound corny about it but it's true, and I think that's what this movie is about.

  • I don't trust myself enough. When I write, I overwrite. Gingerbread. Too much gingerbread. Writing is probably the only hobby I have. But I wish I had another one. If I was just a little better at golf.

  • Kids are at my level. I like goofing around with them.

  • When I was young, we couldn't afford much. But, my library card was my key to the world.

  • Yeah, the material's been good so far, although I'm sure there's got to be a drought coming someday.

  • Then I started checking out blues albums from the library and playing the harp along with them.

  • Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.

  • I don't need the bread, but it's nice to do something creative.

  • Pardon me for loitering in front of an orchestra.

  • When I was a kid, I loved Popeye, but the old ones, the real old ones.

  • Social Security's future has gotten worse, and each year we delay reform adds to the cost we are pushing off onto our children.

  • The power of laughter & love would beat out the power of fear every time.

  • Believe me, nobody likes to loaf more than me.

  • Relax. Just relax and have fun doing what you're doing. Don't worry so much about being results oriented. Just commit yourself to the moment.

  • I'd bowled a lot, but I never really had proper lessons.

  • If I could put my finger on it, I'd bottle it and sell it. I came down here originally in 1972 with some drunken fraternity guys and had never seen anything like it - the climate, the smells. It's the cradle of music; it just flipped me. Someone suggested that there's an incomplete part of our chromosomes that gets repaired or found when we hit New Orleans. Some of us just belong here.

  • Read, read, read, read, read. Read everything. You can't work unless you know the world, and outside of living in the world the best way to learn about the world is to read about it.

  • Giving up a lot of yourself isn't really that hard when you realize that you get more than you give up.

  • If I don't trust [in] it, then it's worthless.

  • Basically, though, I'm just lucky to love what I do for a living.

  • I ain't never been in no college with famous people. I was a drifter for a while. I just was desperate to fit in with a group. Really, I was swimming. I was lost, treading water, trying to find my way. I wanted to play football. It didn't work out. I didn't really know what I wanted until I found acting in a theater department, and then everything just fell into place, and I had a passion about something. Then, I started living my life.

  • Lady, I got buddies who died face down in the muck so that you and I could enjoy this family restaurant!

  • You're entering a world of pain.

  • I'm just a lazy boy. I'd rather sit in my recliner and act.

  • People just do the strangest things when they believe they're entitled. But they do even stranger things when they just plain believe.

  • If you want to direct, you've got to work.

  • I'd like to come back because I really miss doing situation comedy.

  • [In my pre-success years] there was a constant hunger, measuring myself against other actors, and there was sometimes fear. But, there was always a need for self-improvement, to help with the struggle to make myself a better actor.

  • Sometimes I overtinker, which is something wrong with my brain chemistry. But in figuring out why I do that, maybe I'll make myself a better person. I doubt it.
