Enza Vita quotes:

  • Even amazing states of bliss, peace, clarity and spaciousness have nothing to do with awakening as these are just experiences coming and going in the impersonal awareness that you are.

  • All paths are valid, but in the end you will find that the realization of the ultimate truth is a pathless path.

  • Whatever experiences we may come across in our spiritual journey we are not any of those experiences but rather the one who is witnessing them, the pure awareness cognizing them without thought.

  • We are all born to fly. Instead, we sit on the branches afraid of the leap into the unknown. But the unknown is where enlightenment lives. Our true nature is the unknown.

  • True freedom is when all the stories, all the insights, all the realizations, concepts, beliefs and positions dissolve. What remains is what you are; a vast, conscious, luminous space simply resting in itself, not knowing a thing, at the point where all things are possible.

  • Nothing can be the total truth in the worlds of manifestation and the more solid your concepts, the more likely they are going to sink you, sooner or later.

  • Realization is not about you, the wave, realizing it is ocean. The ocean realizes itself in you and reveals itself to have never been just a wave. Nothing changes except the falling away of a false belief.

  • The one who believes himself to be a person needs to try to find that person. This is a solution, an antidote, offered to a ghost that thinks it actually exists.

  • What is constant? Is the mind anything more than a conglomeration of thoughts? Where is the mind apart from thought? If there is no thought, can there be a mind? They cancel each other out, do they not?

  • When you are truly awakened, you have completely stopped trying to become awakened. You simply are. You know that you did not locate awakening; awakening located you.

  • Those who are actively seeking enlightenment will not find it because the act of looking for it is the distraction from it.

  • Being enlightened ironically means realizing that there is no separate entity that can be enlightened or unenlightened.

  • The essence of death is discovered in the gap between one moment ceasing and another one beginning. That essence is the wakefulness that is our true nature.

  • Realization includes everything, the mundane and the transcendental. In true awakening, nothing stands apart and nothing is excluded. If we find ourselves in a state where something is excluded, that state, however amazing it is, is still a dualistic state.

  • Our lives are a divine expression no matter how messy and weird they may be. How much more meaningful can it get? The source is experiencing itself in form in a conscious, awake way.

  • Realization is the direct seeing that this entity you have believed yourself to be has its roots in something infinitely vast and that this entity is not separate from that vastness, the source, the absolute.

  • Thoughts, by their nature, come and go endlessly in you. But you are not the thought; you are the one seeing the thought, so any thought of who you are cannot be the truth of who you are.

  • It is not you as the ego who moves through life, but that life flows before you, and you are the immutable awareness containing it all.

  • The One that experiences itself as your body-mind is the same One that experiences itself in every other body-mind, form, or appearance that exists.

  • In enlightenment, the seer and the seen disappear. Or, more accurately, are seen through as illusions. In reality, they were never there, apart from being concept and misunderstanding.

  • There is no separate entity that could be enlightened or unenlightened. There are only innumerable expressions of the One Being (which we call people, animals, forms), mirror-like facets, reflecting being-ness back to itself.
