Derek Rydall quotes:

  • Activating our light and our full potential requires that we embrace our shadow. Realizing our wholeness requires us to become big enough to hold our brokenness.

  • Your actions are living affirmations of what you say you believe and feel. â??Affirmative actionâ?? is when your actions are in congruence with your beliefs & feelings. Youâ??re doing it to make YOU welcome.

  • In this age of quick fixes and microwave mindsets, most of us want what we want, and we want it right now, whether it is instant download speed, instant riches, or an Oompa-Loompa, but just as you can't force the farm to produce a harvest, you can't force your seed of potential to grow until it is ripe and ready.

  • We didnâ??t come to earth to get anything. We came to awaken our full potential and infuse this dimension with divine light.

  • If you want more time, spend more time in the Timeless.

  • Just as the acorn contains the mighty oak tree, the Self has everything it needs to fulfill its destiny. When the inner conditions are right, it naturally emerges.

  • Failures give us wisdom. Your failures are just as valuable and rich with blessings. But you must be willing to contemplate them, ask what lesson they have for you, and apply it the next time around.

  • A vision is not something we make up, it's something we are MADE OF.

  • An enlightened entertainer, via story, casts her line into the souls of others, hooks their heart, and pulls their greater potential to the surface.

  • In order to benefit; however, you must believe that life is plotting for you. We often resist this emerging impulse or this urge to emerge because we are afraid of change, right? To the ego, change is equivalent to danger or death. But when we deny this evolutionary call, it causes an inner pressure that must find an outlet, sometimes in destructive ways. And this can break out as disease, financial collapse, or relationship meltdown.
