Archibald Marwizi quotes:

  • Whilst the greatest threat to your mission is the internal aspects within you, the external circumstances need to be covered against as well. Scan your external environment and circumstances.

  • No matter how great you are at what you do, as long as you remain known only within your own family circles, then you and your talent will die in obscurity and irrelevance. Position yourself to influence the masses by having a media, marketing and communication strategy.

  • The ostrich-approach of burying your head in the sand, when confronting your areas of weakness, becomes a self-set trigger for failure.

  • Values are the guiding principles through which you make choices and decisions. They are influenced by your beliefs, and will help you uphold a higher standard of personal character.

  • Success can never be enjoyed if there is no congruity or alignment of your beliefs, values and how you behave in attaining your achievements.

  • Consistently turning up for meetings late, is a statement saying you have no respect for the person you are meeting or for the purpose of the meeting, or both. You are sending a clear message that this person or the reason for your meeting is not important to you.

  • Everything you love, enjoy, respect or value will somehow find top priority, even without excessive conscious reminders. Show respect through the way you manage time, especially when others are involved or affected.

  • Choices and decisions must be supported by your passion, resolve and a productive work ethic. If these meet opportunity - your success has finally come!

  • An entrepreneurial spirit makes you someone who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business enterprise, talent or calling to become an agent of change.

  • Timing is a critical issue when it comes to succession. Passing the baton too early or too late could both cause irreparable damage. The timing just has to be right, but again you are responsible for creating or influencing the right conditions over the course of your leadership tenure.

  • What are the beliefs that give life, spirit and passion to your dream and which values will guide your decisions and actions for you to be fulfilled by your own success?

  • Consider your will to be the vision of your influence on earth after you cease to be a part of it. Crafting a lasting legacy means you start planning and making it possible now.

  • Your life is connected to other key support structures that you must never neglect, including family, fans, supporters, affiliations, professional associations, religious membership and others. Your membership to such groupings must add value to others whilst you equally get the benefit they are supposed to provide their members.

  • The unfairness of judging others comes in that we judge them on the basis of our own values and beliefs, yet we can never exactly stand on common ground.

  • There are silent killers like poverty, hunger, easily preventable diseases and illnesses, and other related conditions. These remain a daily and ongoing catastrophe, but they rarely manage to achieve and sustain, prime-time headline coverage on the news. Why not report on these until someone acts on them?

  • The reality of life and an imperfect world dictates that things cannot be held constant to guarantee your success; you have to wiggle your way through a planned path within a maze, to attain your goal.

  • Everyone is a business person. You must be in the business of managing your time. Managing your time means managing your life. Good time managers are good life managers, and vice versa.

  • There is more fulfilment when sharing with others than enjoying on your own - whatever success you achieve.

  • Consistency and acceleration are both key to sustaining success. One-day-wonder persons who slouch back to mediocrity will soon be forgotten.

  • You cannot offer quality experiences as an isolated island. Learn to work well with others on the success train. Respect those you work with and appreciate their contribution in making you the best at what you do.

  • Development of states, urbanization, mechanization and industrialisation have all brought phenomenal strides to growth and prosperity of economies and their populace. They have also brought with them the insatiable need for energy resources with the related offspring of instability, conflict, war and corruption.

  • The deep desire for success must cause a dream to rise to the surface and inspire you to action. The dream must be supported in the physical and natural realm to help you believe more and more in the possibility of its realization.

  • A leader must produce other leaders. Why do you want to produce followers, when by being called a leader the assumption is that you already have followers? Influence those who follow to birth their kind and develop others to lead.

  • Do not plan to die, do not plan for the death of your name or your influence - rather, plan for the resting of a life well lived. Make an eternal mark.

  • Let your resolution and confession be, 'I will change these things because I want to succeed, and I want to succeed because it will bring me the happiness I seek and desire.

  • Plan from your internal or spiritual view of things. The external view always has a way of distorting, discouraging and limiting your dream.

  • You cannot bury someone with the Shereketa spirit for long. Even if they are thrown into problems, they will rise back up.

  • Deliberately feed your subconscious mind by acquiring quality input through the conscious and sensory mind. You need to be aware of your need to be successful in life or any of its endeavours. You need to be aware of your potential and possess the strong desire to succeed. Success is possible and you deserve to succeed.

  • The setting of SMART goals has been written about extensively over the decades, but will only be as useful as the extent to which its principles are used.

  • When success is internalized, no situation, no matter how bad, can convince you that you will not be able to attain your goal. You become adamant and refuse to give up.

  • The aim is to produce specific results by your actions, so you begin to do things on purpose. If I leave things to chance, I am losing the plot to make success deliberate, meaning I am increasing my chances of failing in any given task.

  • You need to use you imagined view of the future you dream of, then paint the statement in words, to state that clear dream of your desired future.

  • First accept the reality that we are all prejudiced because we have things and issues we have biases towards or against, based on our beliefs, thoughts and experiences. Accept that it is possible to differ on opinions, beliefs and philosophies without necessarily becoming inhumane or acrimonious towards each other.

  • The truth is that we all have what it takes to succeed and the fact is that not everyone will attain what they define success to be.

  • Be disciplined enough to choose your network and be willing to sacrifice the circles that reduce your effectiveness and make you unproductive.

  • The key questions and challenges that we must all continue to pose and remind this key sector (the media) should be, 'Do you realize the power you have, to build and to destroy; to promote success or failure; to bring life or death to a cause or talent; to give a platform or take it away?

  • Just because you cannot see it now, does not mean it is not there or not possible. See yourself succeeding and own that vision through all your planning and hard work.

  • Train your emotions to listen to your fundamental empowering beliefs. Be principle-centred and values-driven.

  • To succeed, with or without money, have deliberate plans to make success out of opportunity. If you are totally dependent on chance, then chances are that you will fail.

  • Build relationships and friendships by finding common experiences or interests instead of getting discouraged by noticeable differences.

  • Poverty might make you obscure, but if you continue churning out wisdom to solve more problems and challenges, you will neither remain poor nor die in obscurity.

  • Teach faith as a non-negotiable - What should your family be aware of? Why should they be aware of these things? How will they become aware? When and at what stages must they become aware?

  • The challenge therefore, as you strive for success, is to make it a habit to live your life on purpose. You must learn to make deliberate plans and then practice the art and science of doing things on purpose.

  • To become successful, do the little extra things that ordinary people refuse to do. The little extra hard work, little extra practice, little extra studying and the little extra positive attitude.

  • Whilst you can be a stepping stone to help others succeed, you are not a dirty mat to be abused by others.

  • Whilst your memory is as sharp as the most reliable computer, it is always wiser to write things down. Pre-meditation helps the refining process, taking out the undesirable elements from a dream or vision, even mounting the courage to face and overcome challenges before they appear in reality.

  • Most of the things to guarantee your death have already been done so you can spend the rest of your time focusing on the things that can guarantee your success and happiness.

  • It is amazing, the number of business executives and senior leaders who get to be appointed and elevated to positions of authority on the basis of technical competences whilst lacking essential grooming on basic good manners and customs of conduct that must come from the home training process.

  • Self-discovery is a journey of questioning yourself.

  • You need to realize there will always be beliefs that seek to limit and others that seek to stretch you to your highest potential. Just because you cannot see or do something, does not mean it is not there or cannot be done.

  • Connect by listening well and speaking relevantly without being prejudiced or sarcastic. Learn to listen with your eyes as much as you listen with your ears. Generate interest in the person and subject, that way people will become more interested in you.

  • Those who succeed after a rare opportunity, only succeed on the back of a plan they already had or one they craft and begin to pursue after receiving the windfall.

  • Reprogram your life and mind-set by replacing the bad with the positive, the weakness with the strength.

  • Leave no room for fear and excuses. Be strong in spirit and possess unwavering convictions. Choose to be an optimist and commit to succeed.

  • Positioning yourself and effective branding should not be left to sports and movie stars. Your need a personal coach, manager or mentor otherwise your expertise, skills or talent will not go far. You might have what it takes but sometimes you lack strategy and some finer elements.

  • Concentrate on your strengths and talents to change your situation, and avoid those pity-parties. Absorbing the blows and present pain is a quality of greatness. Measure yourself against the goals and standards you have set for yourself, rather than comparing yourself to others and feeling discouraged or useless.

  • Whatever you possess as an advantage over others, must be meticulously executed to produce desired results and progress.

  • Selling and teaching demand that you develop your intrapersonal and interpersonal communication skills. You must be able to communicate with yourself as well as with others in a way that makes them buy your offering or benefit from the knowledge you want to impart.

  • You need to change the questions you ask yourself and of your situations, in order to change the trajectory of your life. These are questions that will help you define and refine your purpose.

  • You make the plans - otherwise you will die thinking it is not possible to plan to have time for work, for exercise, for sleep, for relaxation, for recreation, for eating, for entertainment, for love, for family, for spirituality, for friends, for personal reflection, for personal development, for business, for charity all in one life!

  • Deliberately plan to be exciting and to be excited.

  • Appearance matters, we see your presentation before we get a chance to sample the substance within. You might miss a chance for the latter.

  • Make sure your reading, studying or research are always adding value to the defined vision, mission, beliefs and values that form your unique personal brand.

  • Make the difficult choices and adopt the discipline regime required of a person who has set their mind to succeed, kiss mediocrity goodbye and translate an ordinary life to the extraordinary. It takes personal commitment of time and resources, and a sacrifice of non-essential pleasures to move towards success.

  • Be punctual; it shows your respect for other people.

  • Emotions or feelings stem from your attitude and they become the basis on which you decide or act. All decisions, choices and actions have some kind of underlying emotional influence. To change the way you feel about someone or something you must first change the way you think about them.

  • If your belief system, mission, values and attitude are poisoned or contaminated, then expect whatever you enjoy and perceive as success to be short-lived.

  • Understand you are neither inferior nor superior; you are just the best of who you are supposed to be. You have set standards for yourself and are ready to meet them.

  • You can and should stand up for who you are and what you represent, without fear or prejudice. You take the promises you have made to yourself and to others very seriously.

  • Skills and special abilities will only grow if you practice more. You become a star-performer by doing. Let performance and production of desired results become a consistent habit associated with your personal brand.

  • You should be able to criticize and evaluate yourself before others do it. Check for congruity between your defined mission, vision, values and your practiced attitude, behaviour and habits.

  • Roll-up those sleeves and work until you see the fruit of your labour. It takes Passion, Resolve and a Productive Work Ethic, meeting with Opportunity, for you to succeed.

  • The major purpose of defining and understanding yourself is to be able to come up with an objective strategy to map your success.

  • You are in obscurity when you are still needed but no one cares a lot what you say or think, or even where you are working from. You have no voice or presence that makes you relevant. Grow your voice.

  • Every effective person must be able to sell and teach, whether in private or to a group in public. This applies equally to skills and talents as it does to products and services.

  • To achieve your desired success you have to be effectively selling something and to be significant in impact, you must be teaching somehow. How effectively are you selling and how well are you teaching?

  • In life, all things are not constant or equal, the inequalities are so loud; change and uncertainty are the order of the day. It is these changes, inequalities and uncertainties that make it more imperative that you deliberately plan your way to success.

  • Allow others to talk about themselves instead of being obsessed about telling them or bragging about yourself and your possessions and achievements. Show a genuine interest in others and allow them to tell their story so you can share the conversation.

  • Having a succession and legacy plan in place will make you ready for forced changes due to circumstances beyond your control, like death, any form of incapacity, sudden changes in laws and regulations and even corporate scandals and moral failure.

  • It must start by knowing Time = Life. Spending your life on impulse will lead to a broke life, just like impulse buying leads to an empty wallet! How much value you place on your time reflects in the activities that consume your time.

  • If you check your personal blind spots, you can be able to guard against focusing on what you cannot do, but reduce the areas of weakness by taking their space with more of your strengths.

  • Aligning your values and beliefs to your behaviour, increases your chances of being effective at living a fulfilling life without the stress of guilt-consciousness, internal strife or internal conflict

  • Alignment of vision, mission, values and attitudes need to be matched between you and those you choose to surround yourself with. The cost of training or replacing will be very minimal and less painful if recruitment, selection and positioning are done well. This applies even to general employment processes, whether at leadership or staff levels.

  • People and organisations should want to be associated with you as a brand. A sign of a depleted and irrelevant brand is unwillingness of your market or peers to associate with you.

  • We can only continue to promote invention, creativity and success by asking of ourselves, our situations and problems some key questions. What questions are you asking today?

  • Leveraging your personal strengths means you will also need to become clearer about those strengths. It is easier to build on what you are already good at than start from your weaker areas. Take time to list down your strengths and reflect on them.

  • Just like watering the field will cause both the desired seed and the undesirable weed to germinate, the opportunities for your mission in life will be equally presented with real-life threats.

  • You must practice the discipline of a champion before you win the actual contest. The appointment and opportunity must then come to confirm what you have already become.

  • It will take faith, to know success can still be attained regardless of unfairness or disadvantages availed by any system you operate within.

  • Never stop asking questions. Always take time to reflect and find answers. Stop, Think and Use Your Brain!

  • Do not define your success in the context of just one situation or challenge you are currently battling or pursuing.

  • The reward for goal-setting is that as you achieve each goal, you feel in charge of your own destiny, with every moment taken up productively. Self-esteem increases and it becomes easier to remain motivated. So set those high goals and make clear plans for their execution.

  • There must be a season for everything that measures what success means to you, there must be a deliberately scheduled time slot for the things that are important to you. Wishing is not enough, deliberate plans followed by deliberate actions make it possible.

  • Even if the creative brilliance sparks only once, it needs to be accelerated and developed so it has self-sustaining strategies to continue adding value to both the initiator and those it serves.

  • What makes you succeed must be possessed where it cannot be taken away. The internal capacity to succeed is more important than the external and temporal manifestation of success.

  • You can use and see the power of words contributing towards your success, and this comes from having an empowering belief system. Living and functioning from an empowering belief system is the spring board for making your success more deliberate.

  • Always remember that every word you say contains power and you must ask yourself a few questions about your words; Are these words true and kind? Are these words relevant and necessary? Are these words effective for intentions? Reflect on what your words carry, they are a life-changing container!

  • Your values, as guiding principles, will influence your attitude towards yourself, life, other people, work and even challenges or success itself. Your values are a product of your beliefs.

  • A leader, who divides his own people, contaminates his platform and begins to destroy his own territory.

  • The world is always throwing challenges and questions - which ones does your mission and purpose respond to or seek to solve? Do you know your mission and have you clearly defined the life-issues you intend to address?

  • After you acquire knowledge and skill, aim to be a practitioner. Time for practice on the job or in life will still test your authenticity. Knowledge is one of the greatest sources of confidence, and you will need that confidence to do your work and demonstrate you know what you have been trained for.

  • Plan for the sustainability of your success so that you do not drift back to failure and mediocrity.

  • Beginning to work your plan means movement and action. The success of your movements and actions can only be guaranteed if they are well calculated.

  • Start planning from your internal or spiritual view of things. The external view always has a way of distorting, discouraging and limiting your dream.

  • Internalising success means that even if a misfortune takes away all the evidence or traces of success, yet what made you successful, remains. Soon enough, the evidence will return.

  • The person who will end up enjoying success, is the one who planned for it and who knew why they are seeking to succeed.

  • You do not reduce or eliminate your concerns by crying, shouting or proving you are the victim of whatever happened in your life.

  • There is no point knowing your mission if you cannot see the area of need for that mission.

  • Money might be a reward (by-product) but should not always be the only goal of your efforts and enterprise.

  • If you just want to do something because it is a customary new year resolution, then soon enough the year will get a bit older, and the strength of your decision will also begin to wear off.

  • Without faith, it is impossible to succeed. It takes faith to grow, change or move out of your comfort zone. All external interventions become futile without the personal and internalized buy-in from the spirit-man who needs to change towards a given success destination.

  • All around you, production must be taking place to bring you closer to realizing your defined success. Adopt a personal responsibility attitude to enable the realization of your dreams.

  • Attitude is the mind-set, the kind of thoughts you process and meditate on, to generate the kind of feelings you have towards life, people and issues. This is what makes you do what you do in the way you do it.

  • Be in love with what you do. Love wisdom. Love life. Love people. God is love.

  • Creating the right mind-set and a positive attitude today, will help you to start crafting a clear plan of how you intend to make your life a success.

  • Do not be cursed by documented findings and so-called facts; invention itself is not yet an antique for the museum. Not every voice has the right to sponsor your beliefs and words.

  • Have a clear plan or strategy to translate your success philosophy into desired results. Adopt an effective work ethic, with a laser-focus and requisite execution strategies to produce results.

  • If you cannot see it in your mind, then it becomes difficult to get. If you can personally visualize it, it becomes easier and more realistic to achieve.

  • No one can become successful for you. It takes personal definitions, personal decisions, personal convictions, personal actions and personal responsibility to succeed in life.

  • Not planning for your time expenditure simply means deliberately intending to fail.
