Ashley Quotes in The Road Killers (1994)


Ashley Quotes:

  • [first lines]

    Helen: [lights up a cigarette]

    Ashley: Dad, could you pull over...

    Jack: Why?

    Ashley: I need some air.

    Helen: Oh, Ashley, if it bothers you, you should have told me, I would have waited.

    Ashley: It doesn't bother me, I just can't handle it every three seconds.

    Helen: Well, I don't think I smoke every three seconds.

  • Ashley: Got off our planet, alien scum!

  • Ashley: Hey, remember that summer after the second grade when we went down to the pond every day to catch minnows?

    Gretchen: Or how about that summer we all carved our initials in that big tree in the Wilson's backyard?

    Vince: And Spinelli spelled her's wrong.

    Ashley: Hey, I was seven. And "S's" are tricky.

    [Gus begins sobbing]

    Ashley: What's your problem? This is the first summer you've lived here.

    Gus: I know, and I'll never have any of those memories.

  • Veronica: We don't have to do this, Ashley.

    Ashley: My spirit is broken. My heart is filled with hate. I have nothing left but to destroy you.

  • Priscilla: Ok we're down a cheerleader for Friday night's state game against North Compton and that squad always tries to bring it!

    Ashley: Bring what Priscilla?

    Priscilla: Bring IT

    Ashley: Right but, what it IT?

    Priscilla: IT's just what they bring OK?,

    [rolls her eyes]

  • Ashley: It's been so nice meeting you.

    Shelley: But...

    Ashley: [cuts her off] ... so nice

  • Ashley: [referring to Shelby] She's afraid to have sex cause her slutty cousin gave birth to a flipper baby.

  • Ashley: Peter Callahan is engaged to me. I object to this wedding!

    Priest: Get in line.

    Ashley's husband: And I object to your objection.

    Mary Callaghan: Who's that?

    Peter: Ashley's husband.

    Midge Callaghan: You proposed to a married woman?

    Peter: Yes. And I'm in a coma when my brother makes a play for my- sort of my fiancée

  • Peter: Ashley!

    Ashley: Scumbag! You're engaged?

    [Peter nods]

    Ashley: May I remind you that you proposed to me?

    Peter: You said no. We broke up.

    Ashley: No, no. I was confused, we stepped back.

    Peter: You moved to Portugal.

    Ashley: Yes, well, I didn't think you were going to run out and marry the first bimbo you came across.

    Peter: Lucy's not a bimbo.

    Ashley: Lucy? Lucy who?

    Peter: I don't remember. I was in a coma. I have amnesia.

    Ashley: Amnesia. Oh that's rich. All right, fine! I want my stuff back.

    Peter: Fine. Then I want my stuff back.

    Ashley: What stuff?

    Peter: Your nose.

    Ashley: [shocked] You can't take my nose back!

    Peter: I paid for it.

    Ashley: [gesturing to her breasts] Well then here! You paid for these too!

    Peter: Keep 'em. I'm a changed man, Ashley.

    Ashley: Go ahead. Go ahead and marry her you one-balled bastard.

  • Ashley: All right, fine! I want my stuff back.

    Peter: Then I want my stuff back.

    Ashley: What stuff?

    Peter: Your nose.

    Ashley: [shocked] You can't have my nose back!

    Peter: I paid for it.

    Ashley: [gesturing to her breasts] Well then here! You paid for these too!

  • Doorman: You're not his fiancée.

    Ashley: Huh?

    Doorman: Huh?

  • Ashley: You know how you told me that every night before you go to bed you'd pray that you'd get into Stanford?

    Shaun: Yeah?

    Ashley: Well the other night I prayed for something too.

    Shaun: What?

    Ashley: I prayed... that you wouldn't get into Stanford.

    Shaun: [astonished] Why?

    Ashley: Well I didn't really think it was gonna work!

  • Ashley: Look Shaun, I'm sorry you didn't get into Stanford. But if you think that going here is the only way that you can be the person you want to be, well then I just feel sorry for you.

  • Shaun: I should have seen this coming. The one day I need my family to come through for me, they end up doing what they always do: my father goes ballistic, my mother gets plastered, and my brother burns down a building. It's like they've all come together in some evil conspiracy to prevent me from getting anywhere.

    Ashley: [Annoyed] Is that what you think?

    Shaun: What else am I supposed to think?

    Ashley: You know, I really believed, that you wanted to go to Stanford, because you wanted to study with Marcus Skinner. But that's not it, is it?

    Shaun: What are you talking about?

    Ashley: You want to run away. You want to be free of everybody. And you think by coming up here, you're gonna' meet people who are smarter, and saner... and better. You know, if you went to Stanford, that'd be the end of us. It doesn't seem to me that thought's ever crossed your mind.

    Shaun: Oh, Ashley, come on!

    Ashley: Shaun, I'm sorry you didn't get into Stanford. But if you think that going here is the only way that you can be the person you want to be, well, then I just feel sorry for you.

  • Ashley: [to Peter, about Charlene] What is she doin' here?

    Charlene Morton: Oh, get used to it, twiggy; you're gonna be seein' a lot more of me around here!

    Ashley: [to Peter, about Charlene] Not without a broom in your hand.

    Charlene Morton: If I HAVE a broom, it's only cuz I'm here to sweep up the white trash!

    Ashley: Save it for the Y.M.C.A, Jemimah.

    Charlene Morton: Bitch! I will kick the bulimia outta yo' ass!

  • Ashley: Compliments of Tae-Bo: 2 hours a day 5 days a week

    Charlene Morton: Compliments of the hood: 24 hours a day all my life!

  • Ashley: Oh, I can't talk about it 'cause gangsta people will come to my house and cut me.

  • Ashley: [to Charlene] You messed with the wrong W.A.S.P. bitch.

  • Ashley: I wonder what she looks like. I bet she's skinny. She probably is. She's skinnier'n me and prettier too. Now I'll hate her. Oh, I can't wait!

  • Ashley: I hate hospitals, but it wasn't really all that scary. All the needles and stuff. It wasn't that bad. I'll tell you what the scariest thing is to me - the scariest thing to me is Johnny. It is. He didn't say nothin'. Not one word. At least I don't know what it is, and I think he really did want it, too. Just a boy - you know how I know? I heard him tell your pa to paint the cradle brown. You just wouldn't put a baby girl in a brown cradle. You just wouldn't.

    [starts to cry]

    Ashley: I don't know what he's thinkin'. It's not my fault! And all that time and all that stuff I got and all those months, it was just all for nothin'! And those fucking doctors, they think they know everything but they don't know anything! They don't know anything! Oh, I don't understand! I don't understand. Why would God let this happen? Why would he? I just wanted something good to come out of all this. I mean it... I really mean it.

  • Ashley: [to Johnny after he throws a tantrum about not being to work the VCR] God loves you just the way you are, but He loves you too much to let you stay that way.

  • Ashley: You always know what I need.


    Ashley: You know, all I want in the whole world is for Johnny to love me like he did in high school.


    Ashley: You held him, didn't you? Aw, he was beautiful. He was perfect.

    George Johnsten: He was.

    Ashley: He was blue.

  • Madeleine: I was born in Japan.

    Ashley: You were not!

  • Madeleine: I even bite my toenails.

    Ashley: You do not!

  • Ashley: I can't sit down! I'm too excited!

  • Ashley: Dan! Sorry, the phone scared me so I killed it.

  • Ashley: I hope you don't mind me asking, but how, um... How did it happen?

    Henry: She was crushed by an angel and as sad as I am, I do appreciate the irony

  • Nicole: So you and your dad are not so Disney these days, huh?

    Ashley: It's Sharon and me... we're the total train wreck.

  • Mac: You'll make a terrific Virgin Mary.

    Ashley: Shut up! And who said I was a virgin?

    Mac: I was talking about the play. And being a virgin is bad because, why?

    Ashley: Because nobody else is.

    Mac: There may be one or two...

  • Scarlett: You'd rather live with that silly little fool who can't open her mouth except to say "yes" or "no" and raise a passel of mealy-mouthed brats just like her.

    Ashley: You mustn't say unkind things about Melanie.

    Scarlett: Who are you to tell me I mustn't? You led me on... you made me believe you wanted to marry me.

    Ashley: Now Scarlett, be fair. I never at any time...

    Scarlett: You did, it's true, you did.

  • Gerald O'Hara: [the men are discussing the prospect of going to war with the North] And what does the captain of our troops say?

    Ashley: Well, gentlemen, if Georgia fights, I go with her. But like my father I hope that the Yankees let us leave the Union in peace.

    Man: But Ashley, Ashley, they've insulted us!

    Charles Hamilton - Her Brother: You can't mean you don't want war!

    Ashley: Most of the miseries of the world were caused by wars. And when the wars were over, no one ever knew what they were about.

    Gerald O'Hara: [the other men protest] Now gentlemen, Mr. Butler has been up North I hear. Don't you agree with us, Mr. Butler?

    Rhett Butler: I think it's hard winning a war with words, gentlemen.

    Charles Hamilton - Her Brother: What do you mean, sir?

    Rhett Butler: I mean, Mr. Hamilton, there's not a cannon factory in the whole South.

    Man: What difference does that make, sir, to a gentleman?

    Rhett Butler: I'm afraid it's going to make a great deal of difference to a great many gentlemen, sir.

    Charles Hamilton - Her Brother: Are you hinting, Mr. Butler, that the Yankees can lick us?

    Rhett Butler: No, I'm not hinting. I'm saying very plainly that the Yankees are better equipped than we. They've got factories, shipyards, coalmines... and a fleet to bottle up our harbors and starve us to death. All we've got is cotton, and slaves and... arrogance.

    Man: That's treacherous!

    Charles Hamilton - Her Brother: I refuse to listen to any renegade talk!

    Rhett Butler: Well, I'm sorry if the truth offends you.

    Charles Hamilton - Her Brother: Apologies aren't enough sir. I hear you were turned out of West Point, Mr. Rhett Butler. And that you aren't received in a decent family in Charleston. Not even your own.

    Rhett Butler: I apologize again for all my shortcomings. Mr. Wilkes, Perhaps you won't mind if I walk about and look over your place. I seem to be spoiling everybody's brandy and cigars and... dreams of victory.

  • Scarlett: Oh Ashley, Ashley, I love you.

    Ashley: Scarlett...

    Scarlett: I love you, I do.

  • Scarlett: Why don't you just say it, you coward? You're afraid to marry me. You'd rather live with that silly little fool who can't open her mouth except to say, "yes" and "no" and raise a passle of mealy-mouthed brats just like her!

    Ashley: You mustn't say things like that about Melanie.

    Scarlett: Who are you to tell me I mustn't! You led me on! You made me believe you wanted to marry me!

    Ashley: Now, Scarlett be fair. I never at any time...

    Scarlett: You did! It's true! You did! I'll hate till I die! I can't think of anything bad enough to call you!

    [she slaps him]

  • Ashley: [to Scarlet] I never want you to be anything but completely happy.

  • Ashley: What else have you seen Kale?

    Kale: What else have I seen?

    Ashley: Yeah, what else?

    Kale: I've seen a lot. I mean, not like that, not, I mean...

    [takes a breath]

    Kale: For instance, I've seen that you're maybe one of, I don't know, three people in the world that likes pizza-flavored chips. You're also the only person I've ever seen that spends more time on the roof of her house than in her actual house. And what are you doing? You're reading. Books. You know, not "US Weekly or "Seventeen", or, you know... but you're reading substantial books. You also do this, uh...

    [scratches head, chuckles]

    Kale: You do this thing where, it's like an OCD thing, but it's not. It's, um... Whenever you're leaving your room, you grab the doorknob, you turn it and you're getting ready to leave but you don't, you stop and you back up and you turn to the mirror and you stare at yourself. But it's not like a, you know, "I'm so hot" kind of stare. You know, it's more like... "Who am I, really?" And to ask yourself that, I mean, that's so cool. So you look out the window all the time like I do, only you're looking at the world, you know? Tryin' to figure it out, trying to understand the world. Trying to figure out why it's not in order like your books... I'm only looking at you.

    Ashley: That's either the creepiest... or the sweetest thing I've ever heard.

  • Ashley: [looking at a picture of a dead girl] This girl died from blunt trauma, most likely blows to the head and face. Gnarly.


    Ashley: I'm hungry... let's order pizza!

  • Ashley: [Turner has just broken into Ashley's car] What are you doing?

    Mr. Turner: Well, I'm officially welcoming you to the neighborhood. I know that you've been following me

    [Ashley begins to protest]

    Mr. Turner: No, no, no... Don't deny it. I'm not upset and quite frankly I don't even want to know why. I just would like you to know that I'm a little on the shy side. So short of all of this sneaking around in some kind of hip new aged way coming on to a somewhat older man.

    [He begins to caress her hair]

    Mr. Turner: I really feel oblidged to tell you that I rather enjoy my privacy. You see the world is in a heightened state of paranoia and I tend to think that someone as intelligent and attractive as you doesen't need to be wasting her time... stoking the fire.

    Ashley: [Frightened] I...

    Mr. Turner: So now you know... Your not the only one who's watching.

    [Turner then puts the car key back into the ignition]

    Mr. Turner: So feel free to pass that along if you'd like.


    Mr. Turner: Cool?... Are we cool?

    Ashley: Cool... Cool...

    Mr. Turner: [Whispering] Cool.

  • Kale: Who's going?

    Ashley: Minnie Tyco.

    Kale: Oh, yeah, skinny psycho...

  • Ashley: [to Ronnie and Kale] What took you so long?

    Kale: We were upstairs playing.

    Ronnie: Video games!

  • Ronnie: [Ronnie is attempting to break into Turner's car while talking to Kale on a phone] Are you sure I'm still in the clear?

    Kale: [Kale switches to Ashley who is following Turner at the store] Ashley, where's Turner now?

    Ashley: He's shovel shopping. Visual coming your way.

    [Ashley sends a picture of Turner on her phone to Kale's computer]

    Ronnie: Are you sure I'm still clear?

    Kale: [Looking at picture of Turner at store] Yeah, you're golden, man. He's still in the store.

    Ronnie: [Sitting down in front of Turner's car] Ok...

    Kale: [Ashley is sending continuous photos of Turner to Kale's computer] Well, that's pretty cool.

    Ronnie: What are you talking about?

    Kale: Ashley's got like a live feed going here.

  • Ashley: Where are the coffee and doughnuts? You can't have a stakeout without coffee and doughnuts.

  • Kale: [Ashley and Kale are kissing] Remember the other night, when we talked about my issues?

    Ashley: You said you didn't have any issues.

    Kale: Oh, did I?

    Ashley: Mm-hmm.

    Kale: That was complete bullshit. I have a million issues.

    Ashley: [Kale is kissing Ashley on top of her while she is laying on his bed] For a guy who killed his teacher?

    Kale: I didn't kill my teacher.

  • Minnie Tyco: [Ashley is looking for Turner in the store when she bumps into Minnie Tyco] Ashley, hi!

    Ashley: Hi... Skinny Minnie...

    Minnie Tyco: Where did you hear that name?

  • Kale: All right that's it. Give me the phone, I'm calling the cops

    Ashley: Wait, he didn't even do anything. All he said was that he liked his privacy

    Kale: But think about that, why does he want his privacy? I mean he's hiding something, we know that.

    Ronnie: Yeah, definitely.

    Kale: Right? And he knows that we know that, he knows that, and regardless of if he had a bad day or good one, it doesen't matter. He scared the hell out of you, that's a grown man.

    Ashley: Look, Kale, he freaked me out, but he's right. We're the ones spying.

    Ronnie: Oh, man, she has that Stockholm thing. You know where the hostage falls for the hostage taker?

    Ashley: Where do you get this stuff?

    Ronnie: I read a lot?

    Kale: Ok, I have a question, how is that a nice and charming guy?

    Ashley: I didn't say that.

    Kale: Ok, Ash, what you said was that "He broke into my car, but did it in a nice way?". Maybe I'm not understanding

    Ronnie: Ok, you know what? Can we just...

    Ashley: Drop this? This is obviously not a cute little game anymore. This has gone way too far.

    [Cell phone rings]

    Ashley: Hi, mom. No, I'm not over here.


    Ashley: Ok, I'm coming.

    [to Kale and Ronnie]

    Ashley: Parents anniversary amazingly enough... Just drop this, I'll call you later, ok?

  • Ashley: Smile any harder your face'll fall off.

  • [last lines]

    Ashley: Don't worry, Daddy. I'll make you famous again.

  • Ellison Oswalt: We only gave you one rule, it was a really big deal to let you paint on your wall, what was that rule?

    Ashley: Paint only goes in the bedroom.

    Ellison Oswalt: So what makes you think you can paint out here?

    Ashley: I wanted to paint her picture, but she didn't want me painting in there because that used to be her brother's room.

    [Ellison is shocked to see that Ashley has painted Stephanie on the wall]

    Tracy: Who are you talking about, Ashley?

    Ashley: Stephanie!

    Tracy: ...Who's Stephanie...?

    Ashley: She used to live here... she's the one Daddy's writing his book about...

    Tracy: ...Ashley, go to your room and shut the door!

  • Ashley: Are you gonna write a really good book this time so we can go home?

    Ellison Oswalt: I'm gonna write the best book that anyone's ever read.

  • Ashley: I like that you made the movies longer, they are better this way.

  • Trevor: Please don't talk about the dryer.

    Tracy: Are we talking about the time we found Trevor trying to pee in the dryer?

    Trevor: God mum, no!

    Tracy: I'm sorry honey, I thought that's what you were talking about.

    Ashley: Did Trevor try to pee in the dryer again?

  • Ashley: Maybe one day I'll paint something really good, then I'll be famous like you.

  • Ashley: There's something out there.

  • Christmas Daughter: [after Zach brutally bullies Dylan and leaves him with a bloody nose] You don't deserve that.

    Peter: You should do something about him.

    Ted: And your father.

    Ashley: And your mother!

    Dylan Collins: [horrified at his imaginary friends' vengeful words] My mother didn't do anything!

    Milo: [smiling, almost sadly] ... Exactly.

    [walks away]

  • [from outside the caravan the next morning]

    Ashley: [yells] Brett! Brett!

    Ryan: [groans] Oh my fucking... gosh.

    Ashley: Brett!

    [Ryan walks outside the caravan]

    Ryan: Ashley.

    Ashley: Brett!

    Ryan: Ashley, honey. Do me a favour, shut the fuck up!

    Ashley: I can't find Brett.

    Ryan: It's way too early for this.

    Abi: What'd you mean you can't find Brett?

    Ashley: I woke up this morning and the door was open and I can't find Brett

    Ryan: Is he taking a shit.

    [Abi laughs]

    Ashley: [yells] Brett!

    Ryan: Oh my God.

    Abi: Stop yelling!

    Ryan: Make her stop!

    Ashley: Move! We need to go, we need to go find him!

    Ryan: [impersonates Ashley] We need to go, we need to go find him!

    Abi: He's probably at the campsite.

    Ashley: Then let's go!

    Ryan: [impersonates Ashley] Then let's go!

    Ashley: Shut up!

    Ryan: [impersonates Ashley] Shut up!

  • Ashley: Sounds like something an unemployed game show host would do. Yeah, kind of like an actor doing dinner theater in Schenectady.

  • Ashley: What are you thinking?

    Taylor Marshall: Huh?

    Ashley: I asked you what you were thinking.

    Taylor Marshall: Nothing.

    Ashley: You can't be thinking about nothing. Even a retard has something on his mind.

  • Ashley: [sits down by Connor who is on the sofa; slaps his leg] Havin' fun little brother?

    Connor: Why, yes I am.

    Topher: [Pushes in between them with two beers] Yes, we are.

    [hands one to Connor who takes it; all three laugh]

    Ashley: Who the hell let you guys in here?

    Topher: Are you kidding me? We are so getting some action tonight!

    Ashley: [pulls the sun visor off of his head] Not with this you're not.

  • [last lines]

    Ashley: [to Rosa] I'm going to miss you.

  • [first lines]

    Ashley: You want to help, Mr. Chavez?

    Manager: Of course.

    Ashley: Then why don't you give me a raise? I've been here a year already. They told me I would get a raise after three months.

    Manager: You didn't get a raise because of your attitude.

    Ashley: What's wrong with my attitude?

    Manager: Look, Ashley, I have to treat you the same way I treat everyone else.

    Ashley: Is that right? Why is it I always get the worst shift? I mean, everyone knows that you like Mexican girls best, the place is full of them.

  • Ashley: I ain't gonna let you take him - just 'cause you got a swing set.

  • Rosa: Why was he shouting at you?

    Ashley: Sometimes he gets stressed.

    Rosa: What is "stressed".

    Ashley: It's what happens when you grow up.

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Characters on The Road Killers (1994)