Ana Quotes in Dawn of the Dead (2004)


Ana Quotes:

  • Ana: The bleeding's not gonna stop on its own. I need to stich his arm.

    CJ: What are you, a fucking doctor?

    Ana: No, I'm a fucking nurse.

  • CJ: Excuse me, not to shit on anyone's riff here, but let me see if I grasp this concept, okay? You're suggesting that we take some fucking parking shuttles and reinforce them with some aluminum siding, and then just head on over to the gun store where we watch our good friend Andy play some cowboy-movie, jump-on-the-covered-wagon bullshit? Then we're going to drive across the ruined city through a welcome committee of a few hundred thousand dead cannibals. All so we can sail off into the sunset on this fucking asshole's boat?

    [Points to Steve]

    CJ: Head for some island that for all we know doesn't even exist?

    Kenneth: Yeah.

    Tucker: Pretty much, yeah.

    Ana: [nods her head]

    Michael: Yeah.

    Steve: [gives a sarcastically enthusiastic "thumb up"]

    CJ: Okay. I'm in.

  • Steve: [playing "Hollywood Squares" with Andy] Oh, oh. Rosie O'Donnell. Tell him to get Rosie.

    Kenneth: Oh, yeah. Rosie.

    Tucker: No, too easy. Give him something hard.

    Ana: You guys had really rough childhoods, didn't you? Little bit rocky?

    Steve: Hey, sweetheart. Let me tell you something. You, uh, you have my permission. I ever turn into one of those things? Do me a favor, blow my fucking head off.

    Ana: [nods] Oh, yeah, you can count on that.

  • Terry: [Deleted scene/Unrated Version scene]

    [covers the corpses on the floor]

    Terry: Somebody should say something.

    Ana: Yeah.

    Michael: Glen?

    Glen: No.

    Ana: You worked in a church.

    Glen: I played the organ.

    CJ: Come on, man. You must've heard the priest say something about life and death.

    Glen: It was a job. I don't believe in God. I don't see how anyone could.

  • Michael: There's no point in arguing about this. We need a solution. We need to get some food over there.

    Steve: Okay. I have an idea. We draw straws and the loser runs across the lot with a ham sandwich.

    Ana: Could you be a bigger prick?

    Steve: I think so. But, you know, that's irrelevant. My question to you is, what's your plan?

  • Michael: I want you to see this.

    [shows how the chainsaw goes through the truck walls]

    Michael: When those things are on the side of the bus, this'll get them off. Cool, huh?

    Ana: Wow. That might be the most romantic thing anyone's ever shown me.

    Michael: I'm trying here.

  • Michael: Officer, sir, you do not want to go that way.

    Ana: Why? What's that way?

    Michael: It's pretty bad.

    Andre: It's hell.

    Kenneth: What about Fort Pastor?

    Andre: Maybe if you had wings. The road's thick with those motherfuckers that way.

    Kenneth: How do you know?

    Andre: We just tried.

    Michael: Back when there was eight of us. We're going to the mall.

  • Steve: I have an idea. While we're at it, why don't we drop by the marina, hop in my boat and take it for a pleasure cruise, you jackasses!

    Ana: Wait, that's a good idea. There's islands out there. There's not many people on them.

    Steve: I was kidding.

  • Ana: [everyone has run to the roof to watch the BP truck racing around the mall parking lot] What are we gonna do about that truck?

    CJ: We're not gonna do anything about that truck!

    Ana: There's people in there!

    CJ: Yeah, and how do you know they're not all fucked up like everybody else out there?

    Ana: Well, for one thing, they're driving a truck.

    [gunshots coming from truck]

    Ana: Oh, and shooting guns.

  • Kenneth: [pointing a gun at Ana] Say something.

    Ana: Please...

  • Ana: Frank, Michael's coming to shoot you.

  • [Ana is talking to Tucker at Hallowed Grounds and then looks over at Steve, who is pouring himself a cup of coffee]

    Ana: Well, it's nice to see you busting your ass today.

    Steve: Oh, that's sarcasm. That is awesome.

    [forced laugh]

    Steve: Yeah, you know, I would love to help, but a captain never works alongside his men.

    [Dangles his keys in front of Ana and Tucker and then whips them, making a cracking sound as he does so]

    Steve: You guys, have a good one.

    [He leaves]

    Ana: What a total dick.

  • Ana: Well, Michael, what are you waiting for? Go ahead, kill him. Hey, kill Tucker, too!

    Tucker: Wait a minute. I was never bit!

    Ana: We can't be sure. Do it, Michael!

  • Steve: [Waiting by the trucks, sees everybody running to them] Hey, what the hell happened to you guys?

    Michael: Give me the keys!

    Ana: [Running past] Prick!

    CJ: [Pushes Steve] I'll deal with you later, motherfucker!

  • Ana: [Terry is video-taping her] Where did you get that thing?

    Terry: I found Steve's camera!

  • Ana: I don't wanna die here.

  • Ana: Why are they coming here?

    Kenneth: Memory, maybe. Instinct. Maybe they're coming for us.

  • Ana: [Locked in a store, calling to Terry, who is across the hall] Hey! Hey!

    [Gets Terry's attention, he walks over]

    Terry: What?

    Ana: The bathroom in here is fake; it doesn't work.

    Terry: I'll tell CJ.

    Ana: I'm telling you!

  • Ana: Michael, you can't do this, what if I'm wrong?

    Michael: You've seen it happen before!

  • Ana: [singing in Spanish to Bourgeoisie's baby] Pretty little hands that I have how pretty and how white that God gave me. Pretty little eyes that I have how pretty and black that God gave me. Pretty little mouth that I have how pretty and red that God gave me. Pretty little feet that I have how pretty and chubby that God gave me...

  • Ana: I love books. I do in, like, the dorkiest way possible.

    Jesse Fisher: Oh, me too. It's a problem.

    Ana: Like, I love trees cause they give us books.

    Jesse Fisher: super cool of the trees to do that, Right?

    Ana: I'm actually... this is weird. I'm actually trying to read less.

    Jesse Fisher: Why?

    Ana: I felt like I wasn't watching enough television. No, l just started to feel like reading about life was taking time away from actually living life, so I'm trying to, like, accept invitations to things,say "hi" to the world a little more.

    Jesse Fisher: That sounds scary. It's going well?

    Ana: It's... okay. I keep thinking I'd be so much happier in bed with a book, and that makes me feel not super cool. I still read tons. I just feel like I'm more aware of a book's limitations. Does that make sense?

    Jesse Fisher: Yeah, totally.

  • Jesse Fisher: So maybe you want to get away from these books and walk somewhere?

    Ana: Yeah, okay.

    Jesse Fisher: Really?

    Ana: Sure let's do it.

    Jesse Fisher: Great.

    Ana: Great.

    Jesse Fisher: And feel free to invite your husband or boyfriend.

    Ana: They're both pretty busy right now, so...

    Jesse Fisher: Probably just be us, then.

  • Ana: I like trees 'cause they give us books.

  • [last lines]

    Ana: I want to be an old lady with long, gray hair in a ponytail.

    Jesse Fisher: I can see it. You're still foxy. You still got it. That's what they're gonna say about you. "She's still got it."

    Ana: They're saying it now. And I want a really, really wrinkly face.

    Ana: And a small house, maybe by some water. I think getting old could be really nice.

  • Ana: I'm fed up. I'm gonna get myself some quick cash, buy myself his bike and split. With a bike, who needs a man?

    Pepa: Learning mechanics is easier than learning male psychology. You can figure out a bike, but you can never figure out a man.

  • [Rosali has just said she looked like a cow]

    Ana: If you're a cow, then I'm a hippo.

    Estela: And I'm an elephant.

    Pancha: [laughing] And I'm Orca.

  • María: Men look for a woman that is a lady at he table and a slut in bed.

    Ana: Well, I've always been a lady in bed and a slut at the table.

  • Ana: [to Carlitos'] Okay homo sapiens, just don't forget that once you were a homo erectus.

  • Ana: [screaming from the box] Please let me out!


    Katie: [glances at Ivan] Your mothers' calling.

    Ana: Somebody please let me out! LET ME OUT!

    Ivan: Shut up, Anna. Anna, shut up!

    Katie: Now Ivan, you shouldn't talk to your mother that way!

    [Ivan chuckles, Katie leans in]

    Katie: What's so funny?

    Ivan: She's not my mother. Father didn't stop raping her until after Nikky was born. I told you that she was the sick fuck.

  • Ana: I had some stuff I had to handle on my own.

    Kata: Own your own? By yourself?

  • Ana: [as she and Kata taunt an old woman] You can't catch what we got, no one can. You got to be born with it!

    Kata: We know what we're doing, revealing our bodies. I'd rather tease than please. No boy is going to own me.

  • Ana: I'm pregnant.

    Kata: You let Pocho own you!

  • Rosa: You don't appreciate any of the scarfices I make for you!

    Ana: I'm tired of hearing about all the sacrafices you've made for me!

  • Ana: [yelling] How long is forever?

    Kata: [anguish] As long as it lasts you KNOW that!

  • Rosa: [Rosa has chosen a garish dress for Ana] Doesn't she look pretty Kata?

    Kata: Yeah, you picked a good dress for Ana.

    Ana: [shoots Kata a dirty look]

    Rosa: Kata, don't you see a dress you'd like to wear for Ana's party?

    Kata: [stops smiling]

    [shakes head "no"]

    Ana: [smiles] Pick one for her mami

  • Mikael Boghosian: God help me, I want revenge.

    Ana: I don't care. Hey, our revenge will be to survive.

  • Ana: Dad! How do you spell "beautiful"?

    Uxbal: Like that, like it sounds.

  • [Ana and Freddy have attempted to drive out of the town of Pearl, when they come to the Wall of Apparent Stone and Black Fog]

    Freddy: The hell?

    Ana: What is it?

    [Freddy investigates, then runs back to the car]

    Freddy: Drive.

  • [Freddy has been calculating when the Wall of Apparent Stone and Black Fog will encroach upon the center of the town of Pearl, where they are]

    Freddy: It'll take roughly 64, 65 hours to get there.

    Ana: That's less than three days!

  • [It's only afternoon, but the Wall of Apparent Stone and Black Fog is approaching]

    Freddy: It's already getting dark.

    Ana: It's blocking the sun.

  • [Freddy and Anna are at the deserted hospital, but listening to an ongoing recording of two doctors talking]

    Ana: They're talking about someone's brain.

  • [in the deserted hospital]

    Ana: What are you looking for?

    Freddy: My room.

  • [At the door with uncountable keys, Freddy searches for one that will open the way]

    Freddy: Maybe I'll get lucky.

    Ana: Don't count on it.

  • Ana: If none of this is real, then why can't we just imagine ourselves out of here?

    Freddy: Well, try it. I have.

  • Ana: Are you sure you know how to do this?

    Freddy: Yeah. I was kind of a pyro in high school.

  • Ana: Maybe we should just stay here. I have a basement.

    Freddy: This whole house will be gone in a couple of hours.

  • [talking about the darkness]

    Ana: How do we get out?

    Freddy: I think we've got to go through it.

    [He lifts his hand into the Wall of Apparent Stone and Dark Fog]

  • [Freddy approaches the Wall of Apparent Stone and Dark Fog, and sees that tendrils of black fog are fingering and inching toward their car]

    Freddy: It's moving.

    Ana: What?

    Freddy: Get in the car!

    [Freddy and Ana jump back into the car, and after the car stalls, its battery affected by the fog, they are able to reverse and return to town]

  • [from the trailer]

    Ana: [looking worriedly through the car's windshield] What is that?

    Freddy: The darkness. In three days, everything will be gone.

  • [last lines]

    Ana: Remember?

    Freddy: Almost.

  • Ana: [unable to sleep] Isabel?

    Isabel: [opening her eyes] What?

    Ana: [whispering] Tell me what you were going to tell me.

    Isabel: [whispering] About what?

    Ana: The movie.

    Isabel: Not now... Tomorrow.

    Ana: Now... You promised. Why did he kill the girl, and why did they kill him after that?... You don't know - you're a liar.

    Isabel: They didn't kill him, and he didn't kill the girl.

    Ana: How do you know? How do you know they didn't die?

    Isabel: Everything in the movies is fake. It's all a trick. Besides, I've seen him alive.

    Ana: Where?

    Isabel: In a place I know near the village. People can't see him. He only comes out at night.

    Ana: Is he a ghost?

    Isabel: No, he's a spirit.

    Isabel: Like the spirit Dona Lucia talks about?

    Isabel: Yes, but spirits have no bodies. That's why you can't kill them.

    Ana: But he had one in the movie. He had arms and feet. He had everything.

    Isabel: It's a disguise they put on when they go outside...

    Ana: If he only comes out at night, how can you talk to him?

    Isabel: I told you he was a spirit. If you're his friend, you can talk to him whenever you want. Just close your eyes and call him... It's me, Ana... It's me Ana...

    [they hear what sounds like ominous footsteps and are silent]

  • Ana: I could tell my life story as a train of coincidences.

  • Ana: They say, that inside the arctic circle, on summer nights the sun does not set. They call it the midnight sun.

  • Otto: Where is my mother?

    Ana: Nobody knows, it's up to you.

  • Ana: I also want to be in love.

  • Ana: Do you always sleep under your bed, naked? Give me a good morning kiss.

  • Ana: Rosa, is it true that my mother always wore this cross?

    Rosa: Of course. Grandmother gave it to her. This cross keeps the devil away.

    Ana: And vampires too!

  • Ana: The only thing I remember very clearly, is that at the time, I was convinced my father was responsible for all the sadness that embittered the last years of my mother's life. I was convinced that it was he and he alone that had caused her illness and death.

  • Rosa: Your poor mother wanted to breastfeed you, but she was too pale and delicate. So I was the one who really nursed you.

    Ana: Did you breastfeed me?

    Rosa: Heavens, no. I gave you a bottle.

    Ana: You've got big breasts. Will you show me?

    Rosa: What do you think this is, a circus?

    Ana: Come on, show me! I'll close my eyes and count to five... Oh! They're so big!

  • Alicia: Time for bed, Gaby.

    Gaby: Just a little longer. One more story.

    Ana: The one about the invisible paint? This paint makes things invisible. For instance, we paint your bed and it vanishes. Then mommy will think you're sleeping in mid-air.

    Gaby: Mommy, is she like Dolores? Is she your "divided" friend?

  • Ana: [to Roberto] Gaby is wonderful. She says I'm the "divided" friend.

    Alicia: [laughing] She can't pronounce devoted. She loves the word and uses it constantly.

    Roberto: Will you be staying?

    Ana: I don't know yet.

    Roberto: You're looking good. I never saw you in a skirt before. Europe was good for you, wasn't it? It seems to have polished up your edges.

  • Jeremy Taylor: Are you Mr Martin?

    Mr. Martin: That's me.

    Jeremy Taylor: May we sit with you?

    Mr. Martin: It's a public place.

    Jeremy Taylor: I'm told that you know the Malavi region very well; better than you know the palm of your own hand.

    Mr. Martin: No. Leave the palms of my hands out of it. It'd be impossible to know that region in depth.

    Ana: Who would know it, then?

    Mr. Martin: Only the Gaevis know it well.

    Ana: That's just who we're looking for.

    Mr. Martin: The Gaevis? Well, in that case, you people better look for somebody else around here.

    Jeremy Taylor: But I was told that you trade with them...

    Mr. Martin: So what about it? Even the Americans deal with the Russians without people making a big thing out of it. And, anyway, I always use intermediaries.

    Jeremy Taylor: I must go into that region. And I need a guide, supplies and a couple of hundred men to help me out.

    Mr. Martin: If you're really loaded... if you're loaded with a lot of cash, you'll find two or three desperate men ready to go with you and run any risks.

    Jeremy Taylor: Unfortunately, I don't have the money.

    Ana: His daughter was kidnapped by the Gaevis.

    Mr. Martin: When was that?

    Ana: Many years ago.

    Mr. Martin: You'd better forget about it. Anyway

    [looking at Taylor's amputated arm]

    Mr. Martin: you should know all about them.

    Mr. Martin: How dare you talk to me like that. You're just a filthy opportunist, a parasite earning a living trading with people who devour women and children. You disgust me. Let's get out of here.

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