Amelia Quotes in Snow Dogs (2002)


Amelia Quotes:

  • Amelia: [on phone] Hey, honey. How's Alaska?

    Ted: Oh, just great. Everything's white. Including my father!

  • Amelia: I got on a plane, and 14 hours of prayer later, here I am.

  • Ted: Mom, I love that you're involved in my practice but you can't be giving out sugar cookies at a dental office.

    Amelia: Your father always believed in the personal touch.

  • Amelia: We're young, we deserve to be young. We deserve to be young together.

  • Amelia: I got your message

    Jason: You did?

    Amelia: Yes, I love you too.

    Jason: This is the greatest converstion of my life!

  • Amelia: I have to go.

    Viktor Navorski: I have to stay.

    Amelia: Story of my life.

    Viktor Navorski: Me too.

  • Viktor Navorski: You say you are waiting for something. And I say to you, "Yes, yes. We all wait".

    Amelia: What are you waiting for?

    Viktor Navorski: You. I wait for you...

  • Frank Dixon: You could have any man you wanted... why Viktor Navorski?

    Amelia: That's something a guy like you could never understand.

  • Amelia: I usually read history books. They're long and cheap and usually about men killing each other.

  • Amelia: You told me you were delayed, you never said it was for nine months!

  • Amelia: I just keep injesting these poisonous men until I make myself sick.

    Viktor Navorski: You're not sick, Amelia, no. You're a little far-sighted.

  • Amelia: Are you coming or going?

    Viktor Navorski: I don't know. Both.

  • Amelia: I've been waiting my whole life, I just don't know what the hell for.

  • Amelia: [of her hopeless affair] I just wish the sex wasn't so amazing.

  • Robert 'Fish' Fishman: 1991 called, they want their teenage angst back.

    Amelia: Omigod, they just called again they want that joke back.

  • Amelia: Have you ever heard of cell phones?

    Gator: Have you ever heard of brain cancer? There's two things in this world that I do not trust when they're wireless and that is phones... and marionettes.

  • Amelia: I'm not even embarassed it, and i'm usually embarassed by everything.

    David Marshall: Yeah, well your body's changing.

  • Frank: Do we really have to listen to this vagina music all the way there?

    AmeliaLaura: [together] YES!

  • Andrew: I hope he calls back.

    Amelia: I don't.

    Andrew: What do you mean? I thought that's what I needed to be here for. Those sickos are the loneliest slimiest... hello cookies... hmm... I like.

  • Sandy Lidz: I can't eat these.

    Amelia: Why not?

    Sandy Lidz: They look like doodie cakes.

  • [Harold ripped a pillow playing with the dog]

    Amelia: Those were my mother's feathers!

    Harold: Never knew your mother had feathers.

  • [at breakfast, Norman takes the plate of bacon before Harold can get it]

    Harold: Hey, put it down!

    Norman: What's the matter, Pop? Don'tcha love me anymore?

    Harold: [he raises his hand to hit Norman] Certainly I love you.

    Amelia: Don't you strike that child!

    Harold: Well, he's not gonna tell me I don't love him.

  • [Harold has slipped on a skate]

    Norman: Ha ha. Do it again, Pop.

    Harold: Shut up!

    Amelia: Hurt yourself, Dear?

    Harold: Shut... Umm no, Dear.

  • Amelia: Oh, look what you've done!

    Harold: She ran right in front of the car!

    Amelia: Why, it's a statue, you idiot. It's a Venus de Milo.

  • Amelia: Seems pretty strange someone would call you from a maternity hospital in the middle of the night.

    Harold: They didn't call me from a maternity hospital. They called thinking this was the maternity hospital.

  • Amelia: Wake up and go to sleep!

  • Amelia: Why were you sitting there like a stone image when those men were insulting me?

    Harold: I was just waiting for one of 'em to say something to me.

  • Harold: This sun dial is ten minutes slow.

    Amelia: Yes, the sun is wrong but your watch is right, of course.

  • Amelia: Harold!

    Harold: Don't argue with them, dear, they're beneath our dignity.

  • Mildred Bissonette: I never knew such an ungrateful father!

    Harold: Listen, you've all got to realize one thing, that I am the Master of this house.

    Amelia: [Calling from another part of the house] Harold!

    Harold: Yes dear!

    Amelia: I don't know why it is that every time I want to talk to you, you're off in some other part of the house! I have to shout! Shout! Shout! No wonder the neighbors know all about our private affairs. I give them enough opportunity as it is to find out what's going on, without you running away as if I had the small pox or something. Every time I open my mouth...

    [Harold slips out of the house]

  • Amelia: The only real money you'll ever have and you throw it away before you get your hands on a penny of it! What are you lying there for?

    Harold: I'm tired.

    Amelia: Why don't you go to bed?

    Harold: I thought I'd lie down and take a little nap first.

  • Amelia: As I was saying - are you listening to me?

    Harold: Eh, yes dear, yes dear, yes dear.

    Amelia: For twenty years, I've struggled to make a home for you and the children.

    Harold: That's right dear.

    Amelia: Slaving day-in, day-out, to make both ends meet. Sometimes I don't know which way to turn.

    Harold: Eh, turn over on your right side, dear. Sleeping on your left side's bad for the heart.

  • Amelia: And no more drinking!

    Harold: Oh, no, no, no. Good night, dear.

  • Mildred Bissonette: Dad, quick! Mother's fainted!

    Harold: Huh? Oh, here, here. Give her some of this reviver.

    [Mildred gives her Mother some of Harold's hooch]

    Harold: Doesn't it taste good?

    Amelia: [Amelia's revived] Oh, you're an old idiot. But, I can't help loving you.

    Harold: Give her another drink.

  • Amelia: What, you think that because of your condition you have the right to boss people around? I'm sorry, but that is truly pathetic.

    Rhyme: Truly?

    Amelia: Damn right, truly.

  • Rhyme: Do you know who I am?

    Amelia: I read your manual at the academy.

    Rhyme: Yeah? What did you think of it?

    Amelia: I'm not a book critic, sir.

  • Rhyme: [Amelia caresses a sleeping Rhyme's hand] There are laws against molesting the handicapped, you know.

    [he awakens]

    Amelia: Yeah?


  • Amelia: Smells like manure down here. Ortiz knows his shit!

  • Detective Kenny Solomon: You were a model.

    Amelia: Yeah, when I was a kid.

    Detective Kenny Solomon: Kid model to street cop... there's a leap.


    Detective Kenny Solomon: For whatever it's worth... I thought what you did today was pretty damn terrific.

  • Thelma: Just give it a few seconds to work. Come on, breathe with me. Breathe with me, Rhyme. Rhyme! Come on, now... Hang on, Rhyme. Hang on, man.

    Amelia: Is he gonna make it?

    Thelma: If he does, he won't be happy.

    Amelia: What are you talking about?

    Thelma: He's already finalized arrangements to self-terminate... He's got some doctor friend to help with his "final transition" as he calls it.

    Amelia: But suicide? I mean...

    Thelma: It's the seizures. Any one of them could put him into a vegetative state. That's what he fears more than anything.

  • Lincoln Rhyme: Pull up a chair. I want you to tell me everything you know about the crime scene.

    Amelia: Basically, you saw my report.

    Lincoln Rhyme: I read your report. I wanna know what you felt. What you feel... in the deepest recesses of your senses.

    Amelia: You are in love with the sound of your own voice, aren't you?

    Lincoln Rhyme: No, it's your voice I yearn to hear. Pull up a chair. I won't bite you.

  • Lincoln Rhyme: All right, this is what I want you to do. We're gonna need those handcuffs really. It's probably our best chance for good prints.

    Amelia: The M.E. can remove them when they get here.

    Lincoln Rhyme: The M.E. is all thumbs really. They'll mess up the prints. Look in the suitcase. There's a small saw.

    Amelia: [finds the saw] Okay.

    Lincoln Rhyme: I want you to saw her hands off at the wrist line. We gotta have those cuffs for prints.

    Amelia: [pause] I can't.

    Lincoln Rhyme: Cut her hands off. We need the handcuffs.

    Amelia: I can't. No.

    Lincoln Rhyme: Saw off her hands, take off the cuffs.

    Amelia: I can't.

    Lincoln Rhyme: Listen to me. Saw off her h... We need those cuffs.

    Amelia: I can't!

    Lincoln Rhyme: Amelia, we need...

    Amelia: No, fuck you!

  • Lincoln Rhyme: Two things. First, you did a hell of a job locating the evidence. There's no question the perp knows forensics.


    Lincoln Rhyme: Now, as for the other thing... the... you know, the victim's hands, well, maybe, uh... maybe it was too much to handle, so we'll just forget it.

    Amelia: Is that your version of an apology?

    Lincoln Rhyme: An apology? Is that why you came over here?

    Amelia: You really are a piece of work.

    Lincoln Rhyme: Well, aren't we a pair?... I think you're terrific.

  • Lincoln Rhyme: Nitrogen rich, explosive carbons, where do you find those in New York City?

    Paulie: Bomb sites, shooting ranges.

    Amelia: Maybe an old fort or an armory?

    Eddie Ortiz: Let's not forget the shit factor, guys.

    Lincoln Rhyme: The what?

    Eddie Ortiz: Manure becomes a nitrate when it's aged.

    Lincoln Rhyme: That's true. And you got cow bones, huh? Old cow bones, old manure. Turn of the century. Cows, farms... pastures, rats... dead cows. Where do you find... In stockyards... slaughterhouses, that's what we want to look for.

  • Amelia: Thelma told me about your plans for your "final transition."

    Lincoln Rhyme: Cop to cop, that subject's not open to discussion. Why?... Would you miss me?

    Amelia: Well, destiny's what we make it, right?

    Lincoln Rhyme: Touche.

    Amelia: Now, you seem to have your reasons for checking out. I just... I would have expected more from someone like you.

    Lincoln Rhyme: Well, I might surprise you and... live forever.

    Amelia: Nothing you could do would surprise me, Rhyme.

  • Amelia: Excuse me, but the victim was already dead when we arrived.

    Captain Howard Cheney: And you, half-assed patrolman working a crime scene... those days are over. I'll take that evidence bag now, thank you.

    Amelia: You can take it with a chain of custody voucher, sir.

    Captain Howard Cheney: Are you out of your mind? Hmmm? Let's go. You're coming with us.

    Amelia: What? Are you arresting me?

    Captain Howard Cheney: You just get in the car, and keep your mouth shut to the press.

  • Captain Howard Cheney: You the one who stopped the train?

    Amelia: Yes, sir. I thought it would disturb physical evidence.

    Captain Howard Cheney: So, why not shut down Grand Central while you're at it, hmm, Patrolman Donahue? Is that right?

    Amelia: Donaghy.

    Captain Howard Cheney: A rookie, I take it?

    Amelia: No, sir.

    Captain Howard Cheney: Pretty dumb.

  • Lincoln Rhyme: I want you to work the case with us.

    Amelia: It's not my area.

    Lincoln Rhyme: Are you being modest or are you... a little uneasy about doing some real police work?

  • Amelia: I can't do this.

    Lincoln Rhyme: You can do it. Yes, you can. Yesterday you stopped a train. You can do anything you want when you put your mind to it.

    Amelia: Don't work me, Rhyme... Just tell me what to do next.

    Lincoln Rhyme: Very slowly... walk the grid... one foot in front of the other. I want you to look around you now. Remember... crime scenes are three-dimensional... floors, walls and ceilings.

  • Paulie: You okay?

    Amelia: I'm fine. Wanna step aside so I can walk the grid?

    Paulie: Yeah.

  • Amelia: [shows evidence bags] Maybe this'll help.

    Lincoln Rhyme: Cheney will have your badge for that.

    Amelia: Well, he wouldn't give me a chain of custody voucher, so what could I do?

    Lincoln Rhyme: You could bring it back to him.

    Amelia: The man is a living monument to ineptitude.

    Lincoln Rhyme: True. Let's take a look.

  • Amelia: Shit! Cheney's here.

    [puts the evidences into her pocket]

    Captain Howard Cheney: You talking to Rhyme on that thing? Give me the radio. Now, listen, Linc. This is Cheney, man. What the hell do you think you're doing? Stealing evidence is a goddamn felony. You know that.

    Lincoln Rhyme: To my understanding, there's no chain of evidence voucher.

    Captain Howard Cheney: Oh, yeah? Well, I got some news for you. You are not a cop anymore. You understand that? What you are is a fucking meddling cripple. Now, I'm gonna place your little gofer here under arrest. You don't mind that, do ya? Lock her up.

    [looks back and finds Amelia gone]

    Paulie: Where'd she go?

  • Lincoln Rhyme: [operating PC with his voice to see the unsolved homicide photos] Zoom. Same mark. Right. Zoom. Zoom. Zoom... Same messages. It's him... The perp was trying to make contact even then.

    Amelia: But Cheney never put it together.

  • Amelia: You are nothing. You're nothing! This is my house! You are trespassing in my house! If you touch my son again, I'll fucking kill you!

  • Amelia: Why don't you go eat shit?

  • Amelia: I'm sick, Sam. I need help. I just spoke with Mrs. Roach. We're gonna stay there tonight. You want that? I wanna make it up for you, Sam. I want you to meet your dad. It's beautiful there. You'll be happy.

    Samuel: [Sam stabs her] Sorry, Mommy!

  • [last lines]

    Amelia: Happy Birthday, sweetheart.

  • Amelia: I have moved on. I don't mention him. I don't talk about him.

  • Claire: It must be difficult. I do volunteer work with some disadvantaged women and a few of them have lost their husbands and they find it very hard.

    [Amelia's eyes fill with tears and she stares off into the void, ignoring the conversation]

    Claire: How's Richard's merger going?

    Eastern Suburbs Mum: Oh, good. I mean, his workload's just ballooned. I've got the kids 24/7, it feels like!

    Claire: Tell me about it! I don't even have time to go to the gym anymore! It's ridiculous!

    Amelia: [loud, sarcastic and hostile] That's a real tragedy! Not having time to go to the gym anymore? How do you cope? You must have SO much to talk about with those poor disadvantaged women.

    [the other party guests stare at Amelia with pity]

  • Amelia: [Samuel comes out from hiding and Amelia shrieks like a banshee. Amelia starts approaching Samuel, but he starts wetting himself. ] You little pig. Six years old and you're still wetting yourself. You don't know how many times I wished it was you, not him, that died.

    Samuel: I just wanted you to be happy.

    Amelia: [mocking Samuel] I just want you to be happy. Sometimes I just want to smash your head against the brick wall, until your fucking brains pop out.

    Samuel: [softly] You're not my mother.

    Amelia: What did you say?

    Samuel: I said you're not my mother!

    Amelia: I AM YOUR MOTHER!

  • Amelia: [Amelia is driving Sam home from his aunt's house] Where did you get those firecrackers?

    Samuel: You got them for me on the internet!

    Amelia: [livid] Well, that's the end of the internet.

  • Amelia: [after Sam has snooped around in his father's crawlspace] All your father's things are down there!

    Samuel: He's my FATHER! You don't own him!

  • Amelia: [about the Babadook] Well, I'm not scared.

    Samuel: You will be when it eats your insides!

  • Amelia: Help! Ayudame! HELP!

  • Amelia: When the house is filled with dread, place the beds at head to head.

  • Father Amaro: Tell me your sins, child.

    Amelia: You already know them. And your sins?

  • [from trailer]

    Owen Smith: They found the wife easy enough, that was no problem, she was in the living room with 18 stab wounds to her chest, it was the children they couldn't find. They spent ages looking, weeks, and almost gave up the search. Till an officer went back to the house, and smelt something odd coming from the fireplace. Looked up the chimney, he'd jammed the two children up there.

    Amelia: Fortunately for us they found all the bodies...

  • Amelia: Levi and I are heading West.

    Christina: What?

    Amelia: I don't know. I don't think it's a good idea, but I have to support him.

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Characters on Snow Dogs (2002)