Horace King Quotes in Sudden Impact (1983)


Horace King Quotes:

  • Horace King: So I heard you got a forced vacation.

    Harry Callahan: [takes his magnum gun out] Uh-huh.

    Horace King: You still use the Magnum .44?

    Harry Callahan: Pretty powerful. You want see?

    Horace King: Sure.

    Harry Callahan: [shoots a tree stump and some metal. Tons of wood splinters go all over the place in the bullets make shattering circles in the metal!]

    Horace King: Look, you got start being careful. I think you really should go on vacation.

    Harry Callahan: Forget it. I never take a vacation.

    Horace King: Well either that or quit.

    Harry Callahan: That's good idea right there. I really should quit. Then I can handle the law my own way.

    Horace King: Yeah, but then you'll be a JAMF.

    Harry Callahan: Uh huh. And what is a JAMF?

    Horace King: Jive ass mother...

    Harry Callahan: [cutting off just in time] Forget I asked.

  • Harry Callahan: [Turning around, pointing his gun at Horace's nose] Good morning, Horace.

    Horace King: Sweet Sister Sadie, where the hell did you get that?

    Harry Callahan: I've had it a while. I just thought I'd get used to it.

    Horace King: I heard about the car. Fabulous, coming after you in tanks.

    Harry Callahan: Yeah, ther're making those these days. For sheiks and business executives, hoods. Impregnable to about anything but artillery.

    Horace King: Well, you got that covered.

  • [Horace King Fires two shotgun blasts a the target]

    Harry Callahan: Not bad.

    Horace King: Not bad, my ass! You've got to strain the remains for the fingerprints.

    Harry Callahan: Well, this is the .44 Magnum Auto-Mag and it hold a 300-grain cartridge. And, if properly used, it can remove the fingerprints.

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